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"Wait so rewind, what just happened?" I asked as I walked to the poolside, holding several bottles of fizzy drinks in my hand and handing them over.

"Nothing much. We were just talking about the colour of your hair." Luna smiled, accepting a bottle before watching Talia take one from my hand.

"Did you guys get any homework?" Talia asked curiously. Luna shook her head in response before I spoke, "Nope."

"Lucky." Talia whined before talking more, "I got a whole booklet that I need to complete within this week."

"That's what you get for choosing to study law and politics." I commented with a laugh, pulling Luna into her own fit of laughter. "Since when did we own hyenas for pets?" A voice asked, judging the way we laughed.

"Get out of here, Zero." I pretty much whined to him. He chuckled before shoving me a little to the side to sit on the same chair as me. I glared at him, wanting him to get off and get his own chair, instead he completely ignored me and waited for someone other than me to say something.

"This just got a whole lot more awkward." Talia whispered as she turned her head sideways, watching my brother and Luna have their own silent conversation by just making eye contact.

"Give me some!" Ro screeched as he stretched his arm over my body to pick up my bottle of Fanta that I had placed on the floor by the leg of the chair that we both sat on. "No!" I fought back as I moved to rest on one side of my body and to back him, hoping that my body width would stop him. But he was stronger and had longer arms, so simply reached over me and got ahold of it. "Go get your own drink from the fridge!" I whined as I wriggled my legs around in a childish manner, as a reaction to him taking my drink and gulping as much of it as he could. I turned to glare at my best friends who fell into their own pool of hysterical laughter that echoed in reaction to my brother tormenting me. "Stop it!" I whined childishly before watching my brother smirk and wink at Luna, which had me confused more than ever.

"You both are so childish. Stop it before one of you get hurt." Talia commented with a smile as she watched the both of us, making Luna laugh in response before watching my brother push me off the chair by simply kicking me away with his legs. "Yah!" I screamed as I lifted myself off the chair. "Are you insane?" I whined as I rubbed my elbow.

"I told you this was going to happen." Talia laughed as Luna tried to pick me up.

"I am bleeding." I childishly announced before glaring at my brother who was happily drinking the last drops of my Fanta.

"I guess you just started your period." He mockingly said without making any eye contact with me, which put me on edge. I looked up and found the two girls biting their lips out of the anticipation of watching to find out how I would react. "On my knee you fucking idiot!" I screamed at him, earning stiff stares from my best friends who ran out of logical reactions to make. Zero, on the other hand, lifted his body up and peaked at my body, only to gawk at the results of my knee scraping itself against the concrete floor. I watched my brother put the bottle by his side before kneeling over to carry me into his arms. "What do you think you're doing?" I asked him as he straightened his body and started to walk us both into the house. The girls followed behind.

"Let's get you to the bathroom to treat that injury." He calmly instructed while walking up the stairs.

"I'll get the first aid kit!" Talia exclaimed before running off to the kitchen, to grab one of the first aid bags that was stored in a drawer for emergencies. Zero sat me down on the toilet seat, which was sealed shut, while waiting for Talia's return.

"You really do care about her." Luna whispered to him at the entrance of the bathroom, after leaving me inside all alone. Her voice was loud enough for me to hear the words they were muttering.

"I don't have a choice but to. She's my baby sister, and one thing she's good at is getting me into trouble." His words were a half joke and half serious comment. I sat quietly as I watched my the feminine being place her hand on my twin's shoulder, while laughing a little, but not too loudly.

"I found it!" Talia's cheery voice happily exclaimed as echoes of her footsteps neared us. I waited patiently as I watched Talia break the awkward tension between Luna and Zero by happily handing him the first aid kit. Ro walked up to me, with the other two following him, he kneeled in front of me before rummaging through the bag to find an antiseptic anything. "Fuck" He groaned when he couldn't find anything.

He lifted his head seconds in with a bright idea shining in his mind, "Pass me the after-shave." He ordered Talia who nodded and did as he told. I bit my lip, "Please don't." I whined like a child as I tried to push his hand away, so that the liquid cure would not come near me.

"This might sting like a bitch." He commented, pouring a little onto a cloth, before placing it on my knee. I reacted with a jerk as I tried to fight the pain, biting my teeth against each other while holding his firm arm. Finally, he pulled the cloth back and looked up at me through his doe eyes. "I hate you." I practically growled at him while he ignored me to wrap a bandage around my knee, one that had a few drops of aftershave just to kill me more.

I rubbed my knee and sighed once the process was done, while Talia sat on the edge of the nearby tub and stared at me. Luna looked at Zero and praised him, which gave him the chance to place his hand on her back while smiling happily at her. I have never seen him smile so much around someone. "Do you have a thing for her?" I blatantly asked Zero, no longer sure of whether or not I approved of the idea that my brother was trying to get close to my best friend. His eyes blinked awkwardly and rapidly as he tried to figure out what was going through my head and how to reply correctly without being murdered by his baby sister, moi.

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