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"Lyra!" A cheery voice screamed as hurried footsteps echoed through the corridors of lockers. I turned around and caught hold of Chloe who was running towards me at what was probably her highest speed, stopping her from crushing someone or even breaking her own bones. "Yes?" I asked as I waited for her to catch her breaths and calm down.

"Are you free tonight?" She asked me and I stared at her plainly.

"It's a Friday night." I reminded her and she nodded rather enthusiastically, "Yeah, it's not like it's family movie night... is it?" She looked worried after asking me the question, as if her whole world was about to collapse on her.

I shook my head and laughed a little at her expression, "Nope. I just don't want to go out anywhere this Friday." I whined a little when talking.

"Oh come on. Make Friday nights your chill nights out without any work. You still have to live a little, you know." Chloe advised, making my plans for me.

"Where are we even going?" I asked her.

"Three years ago today, a club was opened and they are celebrating their anniversary tonight. Which means, the drinks are all free for those with tickets to get in. You can have whatever you want and do whatever you truly desire on this very night." She explained to me.

"Sounds like that is one fun club." I commented. "But how do we get our hands on a ticket? isn't it too late to buy one?" I asked her.

"Which is why I bought two tickets ages ago." She slyly smiled with a hyperactive adrenaline passing through her, making her excited over small details.

"Why do you have two?" I asked her.

"Because I like partying and don't want to go alone." She replied happily.

"Fine, I'll go." I finally gave in to her. Even though I knew I was considering it for a while and had pretty much made it seem like I already agreed to go, I still felt the awkward need to verify that I was going to be ruining her Friday night by being there with her.

"Good. Do you have a dress for tonight?" She asked me, narrowing her eyes as if to find the truthful answer.

"I don't." I replied calmly. Instantly, she stood in front of me and gawked at me. I shrugged my shoulders in response, not by the slightest bit put on edge for the fact that I agreed to go to a party completely unprepared.

"We need to get you a dress." She exclaimed, as if she managed to successfully pull out the rabbit from her magic hat.

"It's fine. We don't have to go shopping, I have bunch of dresses I haven't worn before... maybe we can choose from the clothes I already have?" I suggested lazily, not wanting to go out and spend money when I already didn't want to go out tonight anyway.

"Sure. We could do that." She smiled, before looking at her phone, "I have to go somewhere. I promised to meet with someone and I am already running late. Text me your address later?" She asked and I nodded, before excusing herself to leave.

I sighed, acknowledging my surroundings. Turning around, I saw Talia and Luna walking together. "Hey guys!" I greeted them as they smiled at me.

"Hi." They both replied at the same time.

"Are any of you guys going to this club's anniversary party-thing?" I asked them curiously.

Talia shook her head, "I have that booklet to finish, remember? Plus, you need tickets to get in."

I sighed as I nodded, feeling annoyed and sad that my best friends couldn't come along. Luna started to talk, "I managed to buy two off of this dude who couldn't go for injuring his leg at the basketball tryout yesterday, and his friend can't go either, since they had a fallout."

"So you and Amara can go together, while I finish my homework." She suggested, through sad eyes. I shook my head with a smile, "Actually, I asked because one of my classmates is dragging my ass with hers and has a ticket reserved for me. Which means that the two of you can go together."

"Amara, are you even listening to me? I have a whole booklet of homework to complete. I can't go to the party." She explained, slightly annoyed at me.

"Please come with us." Luna whined.

"It's the only night, this year, where all the drinks are free and the club is open all night. Plus you can do your homework on Saturday and Sunday, we won't interfere then." I told her, whining half the whole way, "Come on, we might not even get to do this again." I sluggishly spoke, linguistically dragging her with me.

"Fine. Just this once." Talia gave in, making Luna and I jump up and down like a bunch of children who just got promised a trip to disneyland.

"Calm down, people are looking." She scolded us as she grabbed hold of our hands and tried to keep us on the ground. The way that Talia scanned the room and tried her very best not to look embarrassed put Luna and I into our own fit of laughter. "Oh shut up!" She scolded us, playfully slapping my back, harder than she intended to. The laughter died down as I scowled "Ow!" and tried to rub the pain away.

"So how are we getting ready? Do we meet each other there or just show up to someone's house?" Luna asked, with a serious tone and expression.

"Chloe, my classmate, is coming over to my place. And Zero is going to be at home then." I warned them, trying to make sure that they got the hint since my brother had an obvious crush on Luna. And him seeing her in clubwear would be world's stupidest thing to do.

"Right, so what do we do?" Luna asked.

Talia answered, "You can get ready at your place and since neither of my parents are home for the weekend, while my baby sister is at her friend's place, you can come over to mine." The two nodded in agreement. Talia had a sister called Melody, she is 6 years younger than us all - 12 at the moment - and is very curious. She also does that supposedly annoying thing of blackmailing her older sister.

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