Chapter: 3

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Everyone reaches the police station they all walk to the front desk.

"Excuse me, sir. We need to see Sheriff Keller." Archie says, Veronica then finishes his sentence. "There's been a huge mistake." She says. They look over seeing sheriff Keller walking by. They rush over to him.

"Sheriff, we need to talk to you about FP Jones." Archie's says.

"What about him?" Sheriff Keller says. Delta is glaring at him. "He's innocent." Veronica says. "Then why did he just confess?" Sheriff Keller says. They all look over seeing Fp getting taken away by two officers. Jughead grabs his sisters arm. Delta begins to cry a little as she saw her father looking over at them. Jughead then pulls her into a tight hug.


The next day at school Jughead and Delta walked into the lunch room. Everyone was staring at them. Delta kept her head low not wanted anyone to see how red her face is from crying so much. She followed her brother through the lunch room over to the table Cheryl is sitting at. They both stop at the table. Delta is standing behind her brother the whole time.

"We're sorry Cheryl." Jughead says specking for his sister. Cheryl then gets up from the table and stares at Jughead. All of the sudden Cheryl slaps him across the face. Delta looks up in shock. Cheryl then starts beating on his chest. Jughead stood there doing nothing while Cheryl continued.

"Cheryl!" Delta says as she steps to her brother trying to pull him away. Cheryl then accidentally hits Delta crossed the face with her ring. Her check has a cut on it. Archie storms up from the table that he is sitting at and grabs Cheryl to pull her away. Principal Weatherbee then storms into the lunch room.

"Enough!" He yells everyone turning to look at him. Delta was holding her cheek with the long cut on it that was sting.

"Mr Jones, you need to come with me. Same with Miss Jones. Right now." Principal Weatherbee says yells.

"They were apologizing. They didn't do anything wrong!" Archie yells from across the lunch room. Delta and Jughead start to walk towards Principal Weatherbee. Delta still holding her cheek not wanting anyone to see it.


Delta walked into Archie's room seeing Jughead sitting on the floor writing on his laptop. He had head phones in and didn't hear her come in. She walked slowly towards him. He looks up at her and takes his head phones off.

"Hey." He says with a sigh. Looking away from her.

"Hey, Uh I ju-" Delta starts to say before she gets interrupted by Jughead.

"Del. Your cheek." He says as he closes his laptop and gets up. He puts his hand on her cheek. He accidentally touch's the cut. "Owe." Delta says as she pulls back. She then places her hand on it.

"I'm so sorry. Is that from Cheryl?" Jughead says. Delta nods. Jughead then pulls her into a hug. "I'm sorry." He whispers to her. Jughead then let's go of her and keeps one arm on her shoulder. "Now lets go and see if we can do something about this cut." He says with a smile. They both began to walk down the stairs. They hear Archie and Fred talking. They both stop.

"Jughead and Delta getting kicked out because Cheryl pummeled them. How is that fair?" Archie says. "It's not." Fred says answering very fast.

"Well, can we call, I don't know, the school board?" Archie says trying to help.

"Son, FP may spend decades in prison, potentially the rest of his life. We gotta think of a long-term solution." Fred says trying to explain this to Archie. Delta and Jughead sat on the stairs quietly listening to the conversation. "We are the long-term solution."  Archie says.

"That's not how it works, okay? I'm not their legal guardian." Fred protests. "Oh, good thing mom's a lawyer." Archie says trying to make this better.

"Archie, my priority is keeping you safe." Fred says.

"Keep me safe from who? Jughead? Delta? Are you kidding me, Dad?" Archie then scoffs.

"No, from whatever trouble seems to follow the Jones' around, wherever they go, whatever they do. Hell, maybe you should go to Chicago and live with your mom." Fred says.

"It's not even something I was considering, Dad. But you know what? Maybe I should." Archie says as he walks away. "Hey, if it'll keep you out of trouble, I'm all for it." Fred yells to Archie. Jughead then grabs Deltas hand and walks done the stairs with her to the front door.

"Hey, Jug, Del." Archie says trying to make it seem like nothing happened. "We will sleep in the garage tonight, okay." Jughead says as he opens the door. "What?" Delta says looking at her brother. Jughead then drags her out the door. "Jug." Archie says. "Sorry Archie." Delta says closing the door.


Thanks for reading this chapter 🌻💛

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