Chapter: 47

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Just so everyone knows I'm doing POVs now.

Also I asked you guys on Instagram if you guys wanted to see Deltas friend Ava, back in the story. You guys wanted her back. So in this chapter Ava is back. 😊


POV: Deltas


It's was Sunday night as I was walking back from spending the day with Sweet Pea, Toni, and Fangs. I needed a break from everything that's been going on lately.

I open the door to the trailer and see Jughead sitting at the kitchen table writing on his laptop. There's new paper articles and pictures all over the wall.

"Um, so you didn't bother to text me when you got home and decided to make our way a scrapbook." I say kinda angry at him.

"I'd assume that you didn't want to talk to me." He said not looking up from his laptop.

"Um, why the hell would you think that." I say really confused.

"You've kinda been ignoring me lately and you didn't call me about Hiram lodge buying the trailer park." Jughead final looks up but then gets up to look at his paper wall.

"Says who! Yesterday my phone was in my room and I couldn't get it!" I say pretty loud.

Me and Jughead had our argument for awhile until our dad stops us.

"Can you two just stop arguing for two seconds!" He yells as he walks into the door hold his serpent jacket and has his Pops uniform on. We both look up at him as Jughead sighs and gets up to get some coffee.

"What's all this?" Dad says looking at the wall above the table. Getting closer to it. I sigh and roll my eyes as I lean against the wall.

"Jugheads paper-mâchéd Wall." Jughead looks at me with a glare.

"Hopefully, this is the article that saves the town from Hiram Lodge. If I can fit the pieces together." Jughead says. Dad try's to fit some words together as he looks at.

"Boy, you need to drop this. He rescued us. He bought the trailer park, forgave our debts." Dad says as he sits down in the other chair.

"What?" Me and Jughead say at the same time. At least a can agree with him on something.

"He's the reason we almost lost the trailer park." Jughead adds.

"Hiram's slicker than a bottle of snake oil, no doubt." Dad says.

"but this is Dad, please! Hiram Lodge just bought The Riverdale Register. He's trying to silence dissenting voices before he makes his big play. He's afraid. He's afraid of this exposure." Jughead explains a little angry.


"I'll see you back at home Jug." I say putting my backpack on one of my shoulders as I begin to make my way to the door leaving the swords and Serpents meeting room.

"Yeah. Tell dad I'll be home later." He says typing on his laptop.

"Got it." I say with a slight sigh before make my way to the door. As I was about to walk out a figure apares suddenly in front of me. I get startled at it and step out of the way to let him threw.

"Hey...Delta." I figure out its Archie. He said it so nervously. Me and Archie haven't been on best terms.

"Um, hey Arch." I say quietly. We look st each other for a good 10 seconds before I leave the classroom thinking about what I've done. I'm looking at the floor the whole time I walk. Not seeing what's in front of me.

Suddenly a shoulder hits me. I hear a few books drop to the ground.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." I say bending down to pick them up. I'm generally not this nice towards things like this, but lately I haven't been right. I stand up and look up as I hand the books back to the person. I then notice the familiar face.

"Ava?!" I say with a shocked face. Her mouth opens but no words come out of it before she storms off. I haven't talked to Ava in awhile.

"Wait Ava." I say trying to catch up to her.

"Go away." I hear her say under her breath as I get closer to her.

"Ava. Slow down I just want to talk." I say trying to make her stop. I finally grab her wrist which flings her around where she is facing me. She gets scared all of a sudden. Her emotion isn't there anymore.

"Ava? It's just me." I say really confused.

"Delta...get your hands off of me!" She starts to yell as she forcefully takes my hand off hers. I'm really shocked.

"Ava? What's the matter?" I ask confused.

"What's the matter is you. Just blowing me off for everything and everyone. Joining the Serpents. Having a boyfriend and your new bestfriends." Ava says getting closer to me every word she says I back up.

"wait. Your mad at me because of the Serpents?" I say. She gives my a look of guilt.

"Please don't talk to me again Delta." Ava says before sighing and walking away. I watch her walk away right until she's not into sight anymore before making my way.


Oooooooo! Ava was back. But maybe a little Jelly!!

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