Chapter: 28

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As soon as the Triple C guy was finished Delta and Archie get back in the truck. Archie didn't start it.

"Del, can we tal-" Archie says before Delta cuts him off.

"Can we just go find my brother." Delta says as she folds her arms. Archie then sighs and starts the truck and he drives off. Delta then turns her head and begins looking out the window. A few minutes later she sees a gas station. There is a truck by the gas pumps. Delta could see the crate in the back.

"Archie, that's the truck." Delta says point over to the gas station. Archie then pulls into the gas station and the both see Jughead in the diner arguing. They both rush into it.

"Jughead, what's going on?" Archie says as they rush in the diner.

"They're trying to dine n' ditch! I'm calling the cops!" The lady at the counter says.

"Three teenagers on a country road, with a crate full of God-knows-what. You're sinners, all 3 of you of you. Careful or you'll taste the Reaper's blade next." The man says.

"I'll pay for the bill. Do you take debit?" Archie asks the lady at the counter. Archie then pays for the bill and they walk out and grab the crate. They take it over to Archie's truck and put it back in the back. They say there watching the man drive off again.

"Hey. Thanks. And thank you for coming back for me." Jughead tells Archie and Delta. Delta the  slighty smiles and looks back at the ground.

"I said I'd see this through, Jug." Archie says. Jughead then looks at his watch"

"It's 11:52." Jughead says looking worried.

"Better get goin' then." Archie says with a smirk they all hop back in the truck and drive to the spot. Delta stayed in the truck Becuase Jughead didn't want her to get arrested again. A few minutes later Jughead and Archie come out of the build with shocked looks on there faces. Delta didn't ask, but the whole way back to riverdale was quiet.


Jughead, Delta, and Archie all ended up in a booth at Pops. It is quiet until Jughead specks.

"Thank you for helping me and Delta tonight, I I know that, that violates every strand of your DNA." Jughead says specking for Delta too.

"We've all done bad things, Jug. Ever since the Black Hood walked into this diner. It's like he's making us do them." Archie says.

I was thinking about that guy who stopped for us tonight, Mr. American Gothic. His story about the Riverdale Reaper. Maybe it's just a tale from the dark side but What if, it's an actual lead? Maybe tomorrow, All of us, if you're free, we could go to library.

"Me and Reggie are taking Moose to physical therapy. Then Ronnie and I are having dinner with her parents. But maybe the day after?" Archie then looks over at Delta. She has her arms folded on the table and her chin on it. Her beanie was off and she was using her finger to spin it slowly on the table.

"Yeah. For sure." Jughead says with a sigh.

"Can't you get out of this somehow, Jug?" Archie says leaning forward and talking softer.

"What part exactly? I can try. Hey, I'll try." Jughead then sighs.

"Do you guys want a ride home? It's practically dawn." Archie asks. Delta then takes her chin off her arms.

"No, um Visiting hours start at sun up. We are gonna visit our dad." Delta then sighs. She then stands up and walks out of the booth. Jughead following behind her.


Delta and Jughead sat in the stools by the phones. Waiting for there Dad to come. They both get scared at the fact that they aren't sure how there Dad is. The door opens and a figure walks over to the little booth with a the plastic glass divider. It was there Dad. Deltas and Jugheads faces go into shock. There Dad looked the same. Nothing happened. Penny lied. He then sits down.

"What's up? You both look like you've seen a ghost." He says. Jughead and Delta look at each other.


After the visit Jughead and Delta go back to the trailer to talk to Penny.

"What the hell game are you playing, Penny?" Jughead says getting angry.

"You lied to us. Our dad's fine." Delta adds on.

"I incentivized you." Penny says with a smirk.

"No, you said that this was gonna be a one-and-done." Jughead explains.

"It's not like you have a choice." Penny then takes out her phone and shows the twins a video of Jughead and Archie carrying the crate in the building.

"You Bitch!" Delta says as she folds her arms.

"It's insurance you'll both do what I say. And if you cause a stink or try to back out, or raise your voice to me ever again, I will make sure that video goes straight to the Sheriff's office. God, imagine what that would do to your dad's heart. Break it, right?" Penny tells them. Delta then grabs Jugheads hand in a scared feeling. Penny then sighs.

"Why? - Why us?" Jughead asks.

FP made me a promise, that he didn't keep. As far as I'm concerned, his debt is yours. And I am just getting started with both of you." Penny says with a smirk.


Thanks for reading this chapter! 🌻💛

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