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Josh never really got around to his research until weeks later. He was too busy either working or hanging out with Tyler. The small boy has seemed to really grow on him, and Josh doesn't know what to do with himself when Tyler isn't around.

They spent pretty much all their time together, aside from days when both boys had work. In those couple of weeks, Tyler progressively grew more and more comfortable around Josh. One time it got to the point where he even asked Josh to hold him and began sucking on his thumb. That was yesterday, right now is the first time Josh has really had any free time. And because of the occurrence, he's even more curious to find out what's up with the little brunette.

He feels stupid typing "why does my friend act like a child" into Google, but he can't think of any other way to describe it. He scrolls down a ways until he sees a Yahoo answers page titled his exact search. Curiously, he clicks on it and begins reading. (Stole this from the actual website skskhf)

My friend who is 24 sometimes acts like a little kid. Whenever her boyfriend tells her no or not to do something she whines and complains about it. And she throws tantrums when she doesn't get what she wants. Last night her boyfriend told her it was time to go to bed and she whined "NO!". What the heck is wrong with her?! How can we help her calm down?

Josh frowns, that girl seems like a brat. He scrolls further, interested in seeing what people have to say. They suggest rather rude things, like that she's immature or needs help. Some say she's stupid and that her boyfriend should break up with her. Josh blinks a couple of times. Why are people so mean? He scrolls further, eyebrows furrowing as he reads another response.

Or theres the off chance she is into DDLG and could be a brat. If her boyfriend acts like he is fine with it that could be the reason, if not then she could still be into it but just hasn't told him or she might really be loco.

What the hell is DDLG? Josh opens a new tab, typing the letters in the search bar. Urban dictionary pops up first, so he opens the page and begins reading again.

(Daddy Dom Little Girl)
It is a form of BDSM, where one person is a "caregiver" in the relationship, and one is more childlike, which is usually called a "little". Although it is called Daddy Dom Little Girl, there are also mommies and little boys. The daddy figure loves and tends to their little, do hobbies together, and have some sexy time ;). But in all honesty, DDLG doesn't have to be sexual either. Littles tend to like watching their favorite cartoons or movies, art, stuffies, and depending on how far you go, sometimes a sippy cup or a binky can be involved. DDLG is pretty much like a submissive and dominant relationship. DDLG is really fun, just make sure that everything is safe, sane, and consensual!

Josh blinks slowly, thumb now hovering over the call button on Tyler's contact. Should he ask about it? How would he even bring it up? What if Tyler has no idea what it is? Josh sighs, hesitating before finally pressing call.

After a few rings, that sweet voice answers. "Helloooo?"

"Hey Tyler," Josh smiles, scanning through the paragraph again. "What's up?"

"Nothing much. Right now I'm trying to paint my bedroom. It's hard. I'm tired," Tyler rambles, the sound of a paint roller nearly drowning out his voice. "How 'bout you?"

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