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A little poke on his nose makes Josh blink a few times, eyes adjusting to the light. A smiling Tyler straddles his waist, making little boop sounds as he pokes Josh's nose.

"Did you just wake up?" He asks, noticing the brunette has discarded his pacifier and Thumper isn't tucked under his arm.

"Mhm," Tyler hums, pressing his cheek against Josh's. "You're so warm."

The older chuckles, sitting up slowly as Tyler repositions himself to sit on his lap. "Are you little right now?"

"Not yet," Tyler says, resting his head in the crook of Josh's neck. "But I will be if we keep cuddlin'."

Josh pulls away slightly, capturing Tyler's chin between his thumb and forefinger. The brunette gazes at him in confusion.

"I want to talk more about this, but you gotta stay big for me, okay?"

"Okay," Tyler says softly, rubbing his tired eyes with the backs of his hands. "I can do it."

"You can do it," Josh repeats with a smile, kissing the tip of Tyler's nose.


After a long, long, discussion, Tyler has Thumper clutched against his chest with one hand while the other one twirls a strand of his own hair. Josh knows he's regressing, which makes him happy because he's kind of getting better at this.

"Look at you, honeybee," he awes, stretching his arms over his head and yawning. Tyler's cheeks grow pink as he observes the man quietly. "Cute as a button, you know that?"

"Daddy!" Tyler cracks a smile, moving his hand from his hair down to pet Thumper. "Buttons can't be cute!"

"Well, what's something cute?" Josh asks, finally finding the strength in him to move from his spot on the bed. He steps onto the fuzzy carpet, curling and uncurling his toes.

"You's cute!" The little giggles, rolling onto his stomach and kicking his feet in the air.

"Me!?" Josh gasps. "Nah!"

"Yes!" Tyler huffs, reaching his arm out to hold Josh's hand. "My Daddy's cute!"

"My little boy is cuter," the man grins, kissing the brunette's cheek and making it grow hot. "The cutest in the whole galaxy."

Tyler gasps, looking up at Josh with wide eyes. "In da galaxy?"

"Yes, in the galaxy." Josh scoops the boy into his arms, hoisting him onto his hip like a toddler and carrying him into the living room. "Are you hungry?"

"Wan' choc'ate milk!"

Josh sets the little down on the loveseat, leaving a kiss on the top of his head. "Chocolate milk coming right up. Want it in a sippy cup?"

"Yes, pwease," Tyler nods, strategically placing Thumper on the table so he can watch Tyler color.

Josh leaves to go find a sippy cup, which takes him a few moments of searching through Tyler's cupboards. He grabs a red one that is covered in pink hearts and fills it to the tippy-top with chocolate milk.

"Here you go, sweetpea." He sets the sippy cup down next to Tyler's new coloring page, making the little gasp.

"Tank 'ou Daddy!"

"Such a good boy, using your manners," Josh praises, patting the boy's head gently. He turns to Josh with a toothy smile.

"I's a good boy!"

"Such a good boy," the older repeats, grabbing the remote and flipping through channels to try and find cartoons.

"Daddy's good boy?"

"You're Daddy's good boy," Josh confirms, laughing when Tyler lets out an excited squeak.

"Thumper, I's Daddy's good boy!" The little rambles, talking to his stuffed friend as Josh browses through the TV guide. He stops on one show that has something to do with puppies, turning up the volume so it's audible.

Tyler gasps, head snapping the TV. "Paw Patrow! I's love it! You's da best Daddy!"

Josh chuckles lightly, scooting onto the floor to join his little. "Whatcha coloring now, bumble?"

"M drawin' us, don' look!"

"Okay, I won't look!" Josh says, diverting his attention to the colorful TV screen. The shows theme song plays and Tyler begins to sing along.

"Paw Patrow, Paw Patrow, be dere on da double!"

"You're so cute, Ty. You have such a pretty voice," Josh interrupts, resisting the urge to sneak a peak of the drawing out of the corner of his eye.

"Nuh-uh, Daddy! You's be quiet!"

"Excuse me?"

A little gasp sounds throughout the room. Tyler looks up slowly, forehead indented in a slight frown.

"I's sowwy, Daddy. Don' be quiet."

Josh wants to laugh because Tyler is just too fricking cute. Every single little thing he does is so incredibly cute that Josh cherishes every moment spent with him.

"It's okay, bumble. Just remember it's not nice to talk to Daddy that way. Or anyone, really..."

"Otay, Daddy. I's sowwy. I's still a good boy?" Tyler whines, having completely forgotten about his drawing by now. His little fingers grab Thumper, squeezing his squishy belly as he scooches himself into Josh's lap.

"Of course, sweetpea. You're still my good, little boy."

Tyler snuggles against the older's chest, letting out a contented sigh. "Otay. Watch Paw Patrow?"

"Anything for my little Ty-Guy," Josh murmurs, tightly wrapping his arms around the boy's small frame.

"Ty-Guy!" Tyler giggles, wiggling around for a few moments before finally deciding he's comfy. His thumb habitually rises to his lips, sucking on it as he leans against the older.

"Gosh, you're so precious. I'm so glad I met you," Josh whispers, tracing patterns with his index finger on Tyler's forearm.

"Daddy, pwease be quiet so I's can hear Marshall?" The little asks softly, referring to one of the pups on the show.

"Since you asked so nicely," Josh says, pretending to zip up his lips and hand Tyler the key. The little grins, stuffing the invisible key in his pocket for later.


I imagine Thumper like the picture up top (': A tiny bunny for a tiny Tyler!

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