fourteen 🍼

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Josh wakes up early out of habit. It's kind of annoying that he never sleeps in, but it's also not because it means he gets to admire the sleeping beauty.

Tyler is so absolutely amazingly beautifully gorgeous.

Josh smiles as he admires the boy who sleeps curled against his side. The brunette's mouth is hung open, short little breaths escaping every few moments. His eyes dart back and forth beneath closed eyelids, indicating he's most likely having a dream.

Josh touches his fingertips to Tyler's pink cheek, feeling overcome with warmth and love. He could stay like this all day long and never get bored. It's a strange feeling, what Josh has. He's never felt this amount of joy from just simply being in the presence of someone else.

Tyler's long eyelashes rest delicately atop his cheekbones. Josh feathers his fingertips across the boy's face, adoring the subtle constellation of freckles marked across his smooth skin.

"I love you," he whispers, placing the softest of kisses in between Tyler's eyebrows, "so god damn much."

Josh stays like that for a while, appreciating every inch of the sweet boy. It's been probably thirty minutes or so when Tyler begins to stir, nose scrunched and all. A little whine emits from him as he tightens his arm around Josh, pulling him in closer.

"Baby," Josh murmurs, soothing a hand through the boy's mess of brown fluff. "It's okay."

Tyler lets out another quiet whine, this time accompanied by the opening of his eyes. Josh watches in awe as the brunette's milk chocolate eyes scan the room before coming to land on Josh. Tyler smiles.

"Mornin' Daddy."

"Good morning, sweet boy. Did you sleep okay?"

Tyler nods, rubbing his eyes with his fists. "Had a dream about you."

"Yeah? Wanna tell me about it?"

After yawning, Tyler says, "We were makin' sugar cookies together, and I dropped the dough everywhere, and I got so sad and started crying because I thought you would be so mad at me...

But you weren't because you're the best daddy! You gave me a big hug and told me it was okay because we could make more dough and you said you still loved me soooo much."

"You're so cute, honey. I love you," Josh gushes, pulling the boy to lay against his chest.

"I love you too, Daddy," Tyler murmurs. "Makin' me feel little already..."

"That's okay, sweetie. You get to be little with Ryan and Brendon all day today."

Tyler gasps. "Oh yeah! I forgot where we was..."

Josh grins, nuzzling their noses against each other. "I know. Do you want Penny and Thumper, baby? Last night you switched them out for me so I set them beside the mattress to sleep together."

"No, Daddy, wanna cuddle wif you," Tyler hums, resting his forehead on top of the older's and fluttering his eyelashes. "Does I look pwetty?"

"Of course, baby boy. You always look so pretty, and beautiful, and gorgeous, and amazing, and stunning, and-"

"Daaaaaddy!" Tyler giggles, smushing their lips together in a quick, messy kiss. "You's silly!"

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