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I got dressed in a pair of jean shorts and a Black tank top that said Straight out of Cookies and it had Cookie Monster on it ,  it's one of my favorite tank tops to wear . I went back down the hallway to the living room when I reached it all the guys were in there sitting around in the same positions as last night when  came in to find out what the flickering was .
Must be the way they sit .
Before I said anything I went into the kitchen to grab a water cracked it open and downed half of it before I put it down . I could feel all their eyes on me.

"I'm going to head out to the mall for a little while " I told them as I grabbed my keys and purse from the table by the door .
"Okay here is your phone " Axel said as he handed it to me
"Thanks "
" Casey , Be careful " Marc said " oh by the way I love your shirt"
" Thank you it's one of my favorite shirts " I said as I grabbed the doorknob and opened the door to leave.

I left without any questions as to why I was going or if I wanted them to come along to be honest I was a little disappointed that they didn't . I reached the elevator and went down to the lobby since my Jeep was parked out in the parking lot not in the underground garage.
I reached my Beautiful Blue 2018 Jeep Rubicon I love my Jeep .

Opening the door I got in and locked the doors and started her up she purrs like a kitten lol I just called my Jeep a Kitten , Raven is rubbing off on me I thought  I laughed at my own joke .
Pulling out I left the parking lot .

30 minutes later I arrived at the Mall . I figured that I would go to the stores Gabe would take me to. I walked in to the mall I got a feeling someone was following me but when I turned to look there was no one. I continued on to my destination. I got to the store and was greeted by the sales clerk that usually helps Gabe , She Smiled and asked "So what do you need this time "
"Well a dress for the Charity Event at the Hospital " I replied to Sarah
" Alright let's see what we can find for you " Sarah replied as she headed to the three Racks of Dresses .

Between the both of us we found 7 dresses ranging from floor length to knee length styles. I headed to the dressing room with the ones I found with Sarah right behind me . She hung up the dresses " Okay try them on and the ones you want to show me just come out "
" Alright I will"

I closed the door and stripped down to my bra and panties pulled the first Dress off the hanger , I slipped it on looked in the Mirror
Nope I thought took it right off .
When I got down to the last Three I got a texted so I stopped and grabbed my phone
G- I hear your looking for Dresses on your own with out Me
Me- Yeah I am but I'm not having any luck so far I'm down to the last three
G- send me a photo of each and then I'll tell you where to try them on or not
Me- Fine

Two minutes later I got a return message with 🤮 emoji from Gabe
I laughed out loud at him I replied with your a 🥜
My phone rang
"Hello Gabe "
" Hi Pumpkin "
" Ugh "
" Oh don't be like that , Are you still at The store "
" yes I am why "
" Stay there I'll be there in 4 minutes "
" what "
" I was in the area coming back from a Mission and I might as well Help you "
" Why thank you Sweet Gabriel "
" See you in a few"
" Okay"

We hung up and I just stayed in my bra and panties it's not like He hasn't seen me in them before since he has my measurements and all . Now how did he know what I was doing

"Knock Knock Pumpkin "
I unlocked the door and peaked out
"Come on in "
He came in took one look at me and said
" You need new Bra "
"No I don't this one is only 3 months old "I responded
"Yes you do and after this we are getting one or three " he said with that look of you better not argue
I just rolled my eyes

Healing in the Arms of The Toma Team    ( Completed )Where stories live. Discover now