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Brandon left while I got dressed then I went to the living room I found the guys waiting
"So what's up " I asked
" Well since you can't really do much for two days We figured that Maybe one of us could take you out of town for a few days just you and whomever you pick " Axel explains
I was about to answer when realized I needed my iron pill so I walked into kitchen and grabbed my bottle and took on out I was headed to get a glass for water when Marc handed me a glass already filled
" Thought you might need this "
" Thank you and I do " I reply then take my medicine
Marc takes the glass from me places it on the counter beside me and leans over kisses my lips  and says " you left some water there "
" You are silly " I say as I playfully smack his arm.
I went back into the living room and sat down
" Okay guys the mini getaway sounds nice but I don't want to pick so let's get straws and who ever draws the shortest one goes" I say
" I'll get the straws " Corey said
He came back in like two seconds with straws
I cocked my eyebrow at him
" Don't look at me that way , We have these for other reasons " Corey said with a smile
" Sure you do " I said with a laugh
They all picked a straw and Marc won
" Well Well Dragonfly it's you and me "
" I see that so what you got planned "
" How about we head south to Savannah and get our food fill , I know a great place we can stay and it's Academy owned so it's safe "
" That sounds like fun "

"You two will leave tonight once it gets dark that way the rest still get to spend some time with Casey and then Once she and Marc are gone it's time to start flushing out Aleksandr then when both of you come back we should be able to as much as we all hate this idea Use Casey as bait to get him once and for all " Axel said

There were a lot of grumbling going around on the last part I can't blame them I don't want to be used as bait but damn it if that will bring him out then so be it .
" I guess I'll go pack a bag for the trip " I say as I got up
" Casey do you have a bathing suit " Marc asked
" Yeah I do but it's at the house in my dresser drawer" I say
" okay which one I'll go get it " Marc said
" If you don't want to go to the house , Gabriel knows my size and style and he can get one or Im pretty sure there is one or two at their place from the last time I was over there " I say

" I don't know if I like the idea that Gabriel knows your size " Raven grumbles
" Oh my Sweet Sweet Raven it's okay I'm pretty sure all of you now know my size " I say to them
They got several smiles at of them I knew I was right .
" Da Kitten I know it cause I have several things for you to wear "
" Hmm Raven I thought you preferred me naked " I said as I walked past him he smacked my ass then rubbed it he stood up and whispered in my ear " Da Kitten I do but I do love to take things off you too "
" Alright you two go get packed , Then we can watch a movie or whatever until you leave " Axel said
" Fine Daddy I'll go " I said with a laugh
" Woman I'll show who is Daddy " Axel said with a chuckle
" I bet you could " I say as I take off running to my room
I could hear him chuckle even more and the rest laughed too .
I grabbed my suitcase flopped it on the bed and started packing some of my clothes that had here . I poked my head out in the hallway and hollered  " Marc are you going to my place "
" Yes I am why "
" Can I go with you I need to get more clothes "
" What do you need Dragonfly "
" Well more shirts, jeans and panties "
" Hmm you had me at Panties " he said with a laugh
" oh my " I said with my own laugh
" Sure you can come along " Marc said
" Casey I will come with y'all " Axel Yelled

We left the apartment and went to the house once there I went in and got what I needed including two bathing suits one was pink bikini and one was a blue and green tankini. I also grabbed the lingerie that I bought Well Gabriel bought he replaced the ones lost in the fire to different ones one was a Sheer Negligee that was Blue along with thongs that were sheer too . There was also a Black Lace Teddy with Stockings and garters . I didn't have time to open the other bags Marc was coming up to find out what I was doing . I had a feeling the guys knew since I saw the light on the cameras flick on when I came in the room . I giggled to myself because I held up the Teddy .
I shoved the Teddy back in the bag and shoved the blue one in the bag.
" Dragonfly you ready "
" Yes Marc I am " I say as I grabbed the bag .
He took it from me and carried it down the steps as I followed him .
He locked the doors and we left and headed back home .

The rest of the afternoon I spent time with each of them individual and together. We spent dinner watching a movie well they watched I dozed off until Marc Said it was time for us to leave .
" Okay you Handsome Sexy as Fuck Men You four behave while I am gone don't get into any trouble and if you do it better be for a good reason . And Most of all I love you all and I will miss you " I told them.
I gave each of them a hug and kiss not just a kiss it was a passionate one that would have led to us being in the bed .

"Kitten you behave for Marc too and if you get into trouble I'll spank you " Raven said
" My Barenjunges you behave for Marc and Enjoy the your Time " Corey said
" Lil Mouse I'm not going to tell you to behave because I think Marc wants you to misbehave" Axel said
Brandon leans in close and whispered " I saw the Teddy and I can't wait to see you in it if it makes it back in one piece " Brandon said
" I'll let you in on something it's here at the apartment in my closet I'm taking a different one so if you want you can put it in your room for you " I said to him
He pulled away from me and smiled big and left me standing there . I busted out laughing at him .
He quickly came back and kissed me again "I'll get it later and you will wear it for me "
" You got it sweetheart "

" What are you two planing " Axel asked
" Nothing " Both of us said at the same time .
He just looked at us but didn't say anything just shook his head .

The guys walked us down to the garage and got more kisses and hugs . The Yukon was packed and we left .
It's only about two hour drive to Savannah and we were staying in the Historical District.
We had made it to the place we were staying in it's a bed and breakfast place but we had the whole top floor of the House or I should say Mansion it was huge and gorgeous. The Owners Melissa and Matt are former Academy Members they still help out every now and then but their main business is the Bed and Breakfast they greeted us when we came in .
" Well Marc it's been awhile , And who do we have here this pretty bird " Matt said
" Yes it has and this bird is Casey Adams she is my girlfriend and also Brandon, Axel , Raven and Corey's girlfriend too " Marc explained
" Ah One Bird of Five Men , You Casey have your work cut out I thought having two is hard " Melissa said
" Two" I questioned
" Yes Mitch is my other husband he is currently with our Son keeping him occupied "
" Oh how old is your son " I asked
" 4 yrs old "
" Oh cool I teach Kindergarten and First Grade Well right now I'm on leave "
" Yes Axel said you are being harassed " Melissa said
" Harassed isn't half of it " I replied
" Well the two of you are upstair and have it yourself so head on up , Breakfast is at 8 or if you get up late there will be muffins and other things out until lunch time . " Melissa said
" Okay Thank you so much for ever thing " I said
" No problem go enjoy your stay " Matt said

Off we went up and punched in the code my mind was blown away it was gorgeous I think I went into every room twice Marc just laughed at me .
" You laughing at me " I asked
" No Ma'am " he chuckled
" Hmmm"
He pulled me to him kissed me I pulled away
" How about this you go get settled and I will lock up and meet you in the bedroom "
" Sounds Good to me"

Healing in the Arms of The Toma Team    ( Completed )Where stories live. Discover now