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A year and half  after the triplets were born We had a ceremony in the back yard where we got married it was a simple ceremony it was beautiful.
I had a surprise of my own for them
After the ceremony and we were Pronounced Man and Wife
Melissa, Uncle , Erica and Kota's Sister Jessica Held up the triplets they all had shirts on that said big sister and big brothers on them

I watched the guys faces as they read them

" My Bella your pregnant "
" Why yes I am Brandon but this time with only one and Made Dr Hubbard and Dr Alexander double check " I say with a smile

Nine Months later we Welcomed another Son
Benjamin Michael he weighted in at 9 lbs 10 ounces I don't know what it is with the boys being so big but Damn he looked just like he Daddy  Axel I didn't have an epidural this time either and I said then I wasn't having any more for awhile

The years passed I did have more they were all about a year to year and half apart it seems Raven was correct on keeping me pregnant for a while

We welcomed
Bentley Grace ( Raven)
Jackson Xavier ( Corey )
Greyson Matthew ( Corey )
Benjamin Michael ( Axel)
Harper Jane ( Marc  )
Then came Brayden Chase ( Brandon)
Then the twin girls Makayla Lillian and Makenna May ( Corey )
Then came Damon Aiden ( Raven)
Now that's a total of 9 children

When Damon was born I started getting the birth control shots which were easier than keeping up with the pills .
Imagine my surprise when 18 months later I am at home with five of the nine the youngest four were out with their Daddies for the morning
I had been having cramps which sometimes with the shots I get a cycle but no bleeding I go through the cravings , hormone changed but no discharge
Deciding to sit in the hot tub to help I was relaxing the pain lessened until I got one that hurt so bad I cried out in pain
Jackson came running over to me
" mama you okay " he asked
" I'm Alright but could you get my phone " I asked him
He left and came back with it along with Silas who stopped by
" Little Devil you Okay " Silas asked
" No I'm in a lot of pain it almost feels like HOLY SHIT " I yelled
The hot tub filled with blood
Silas got wide eyed and helps me out of the tub
Water gushed out of me
" Little Devil are you pregnant " he asked as he put me on the deck
" Not that I know of but god it feels like I'm about to bust"
" Can I check you " He asked with a slight blush
" Sure"

He took off my bottoms and gasped
" Um Little Devil you are definitely pregnant I see the head " He took his phone out of his pocket hit the redline button and then called Sean who was in the car
" Argh "
" Okay Little Devil hold on Sean is in the car"
He didn't finish his sentence before Sean was up on the deck
He told Silas to go play Uncle with the kids and Silas left in a hurry
I couldn't help bu laugh through the pain at him

Five minutes later little Delaney Elizabeth was born and three minutes later Dawson Sean Silas was born yes he has two middle names for the Doctor and Assistant that helped deliver him
By the time Dawson was placed on my chest along with Delaney The whole family arrived
Needless to say when I got to the hospital I told Dr Hubbard to tie my tubes no more babies or the guys were getting snipped to which I got my tubes tied

Dawson Sean Silas ( Marc )
Delaney Elizabeth ( Brandon )

So now there are at 11 children that's enough for us well if Raven has his way we would have 20 or more because he loved seeing me full with baby or babies he feels it shows how much they love me

At our 25th wedding anniversary Bentley and Caleb announced they are engage and Harper announced that she is dating a member of the Blackbourne Team
I wouldn't be to surprised if more of our children start dating the Blackbourne Team or the Henderson Team it seems we are all together, Melissa stopped at two and  Melody has a crush on Jackson and from what I know Greyson likes her and So Does Jackson so we will see if they follow in our footsteps by loving who we want to love no matter what

We had just left the event and were headed home when Axel got a text and he and Raven had to detour on a mission

Two hours later Both come home and when they walked in the door Beanie asked what was in Papa Ravens Arms so I came out of the kitchen to see what was going on to see Raven holding a bundle in his arms
" Kitten we couldn't leave him there " is all he said when he placed this little Black Haired Bright Blue eyed Baby Boy in my arms
" Oh my god what happen to his momma " I asked
" You know the text we got earlier " Axel asked
By this time everyone was in the kitchen
" Yeah " I responded as the little one started to cry he could be more than 4 months old and he held that same look Brandon had when I first met him the look of sadness but after all these years had been replaced by happiness and love
" oh little one are you hungry sweetie , Beanie go in the pantry on the top shelf there are some baby bottles Delaney and Dawson used get me them I see you brought formula for him
Let's get him fed "
A few minutes later the bottle was ready for the baby

" Now continue to explain why there is a baby here and who's the mama"

" well we went to a call from Owen he said that Kayli had contacted him because she felt the Academy would take care of the child better than she could , it's Kayli's baby and we brought him home to us because we haven't found a home for him yet " Axel said

" No need too Axel , He can become one of us another little mouth to feed in this family is nothing besides I need something to do during the day since all my babies are in school or moved out " I say as I look into this adorable little boys face
" So what do we name him because it's not what she called him" I say

" Christopher Devin Toma " Brandon suggested as he took him out of my arms to burp him

So thus we gained another member to our family with the Academy's help he will never know any one other than me as his mama and His Daddies  He will be loved as our own
The kids took him in as if I had given birth to him

We will all become one big family intertwined with each other
For I Casey Adams Toma have healed in the arms of my men they are my everything and more

The end

*** I could have continued this forever I really loved the way this turned out so I figured I would end it now before it went to 100 or more chapters 😌

Please feel free to check out the next two stories
Learning to Trust Academy Men

Join Jenna Reagan Roberts in finding out if she can Trust The Blackbourne Team and if She can trust them with her Heart too

When the Blackbourne Team Meets a Five Foot Firecracker Named Jenna Reagan Roberts the Niece of Dr Roberts when she moved in with Dr Roberts due to Her Parents moving for a year to Italy .
Their world is turned upside down .
They all find her intriguing and very Beautiful And when she is attacked one night coming home from work, They are put in Charge of Protecting her and finding out who would harm her

The next other one is

The Blending of the Blackbourne and Toma Team

Join Harper Jane Toma and her quest to get Samuel " Sammy" Jacob Blackbourne to look at her as more than a " Little Sister" since they have grown up together for the last 22 years.
Harper has always had a huge Crush on Sammy for as long as her Family could remember. Can Harper change his mind so
She starts to date Sammy's rival Dustin Richards
See what happens when Sammy finds out

Healing in the Arms of The Toma Team    ( Completed )Where stories live. Discover now