Stuttering madness

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The taller boy stared back at the purple-haired other with wide, unblinking eyes. 

Kokichi, who was originally smiling, was now looking extremely unnerved and massively freaked out. 

"Shuichi, what the hell is that face? It's creepy as hell.. please stop. You haven't blinked in like 2 minutes."

Kokichi waited a few more moments before reaching out and gently poking Shuichi's cheek. He flinched backwards expecting a reaction but he didn't get one.

Kokichi didn't want to slap his boyfriend round the face buuuuuuuuut, it was on his bucket list.. 


Shuichi snapped out of his trance in one swift movement backwards. He looked around at his surroundings for a few seconds before turning back to the figure who was positioned infront of him. "K-Kokichi.. w-what happened?"

"Well, it's a really long story including pikachu, exactly 218 litres of panta and a killing game. So, it all started when Pikachu was kicked out of home by their parents. You see, all Pikachu wanted to do was dance but their parents wanted them to pursue science and when Pikachu disobeyed them, that was the last str-"

Shuichi raised a hand to his face and noticed that it warmer than usual and cut Kokichi off mid-sentence. "You slapped me, didn't you?"

"Wha! No, I would never do that!"

Shuichi doubted that this was true. Knowing Kokichi, it was probably on his bucket list to slap someone as hard as he could around the face. It seemed like a 'Kokichi-type' thing to do. 

"I know you and this is something you would do." Shuichi corrected, "So.. tell me, why did you slap me?" 

Kokichi puffed out his cheeks. "Well..  mmmm.. if I did slap you, which I didn't, it was probably because you weren't responding to me and I seriously thought that you were having a stroke or something." 

Shuichi let out a small chuckle. "Right, So.. you slapped me because you thought I was dying?" 


"Right. Of course.. hypothetically." 

The taller boy looked around the room before standing up and walking towards the door. "Sorry.. just realised that I want something from the store. Do you want anything?"

Kokichi crossed his arms and stood up, making his way slowly towards his boyfriend with a slight smirk on his face. He raised a finger to his lips, continuing to smile. "Well, as many bottles of Panta as you can possibly carry,  more Panta and you on the bed right now, yours or mine, I don't mind." 

Shuichi's eyes widened with shock. 

The smaller boy laughed before pointing at the door, "You might want to lock that?" 

"L-L-Lo-o.. w-w.. I.. p-p.. t-t.. WHAT?!" The navy-haired boy stuttered, making his boyfriend break out in hysterics of laughter.

"I said that you might want the door." 

Shuichi looked down and pinched himself before giving a relieved sigh. "Say it just.. just.. one more time."

Kokichi rolled his eyes, "Lock the door. Y'know when you put the key in the lock and twist it to make sure people can't just walk it. You do know how to lock a door, don't you?" 

Shuichi covered his face in his hands, blushing furiously with embarrassment. "Ah! You know that's not what I meant!"

The smaller boy laughed then wrapped his hands around Shuichi's hands and slowly removed them from his face. "But it's so fun teasing you~"

Shuichi knew that he should probably be frustrated at Kokichi but he a part of him loved his lies and jokes, he even loved his teasing. "You think I wasn't teasing you either?"

Kokichi opened his mouth to protest but he found himself stuttering, "I-I.. I.. w-w.."

The navy-haired boy found himself laughing as he started to move closer and closer to his blushing boyfriend. "Haha, I don't think I've ever seen you like this. So nervous, but that blush does look adorable on you."

He planted a kiss on Kokichi's lips before slipping out of the way, out of the apartment. 

"What.. what the f-fuck?!" 


A few minutes later Shuichi received a phone call.

"Kokichi, stop shouting at me."

"What the fuck?! T-That was so.. so confusing!"

"Kokichi listen to me."

"No no no no! Explain what the fuck that was!"

"Listen to me."

"Blah blah blah balh, I'm not listenin-"

"I'm going to talk to Maki about getting Kaito out of the apartment tonight."


Shuichi waited for it to sink in. 


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