I accept your challenge

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Okay okay I can explain.. I forgot. Sorry.. 

Kokichi continued to grin, he couldn't wait to see Shuichi challenge their professor and show him up in front of their entire class. A part of him was nervous, extremely nervous but another part of him just wanted to scream out loud with excitement.

Everyone was talking amongst themselves, sharing theories about what might happen next.

Every single one of the students fell silent instantly as they saw the handle of the classroom slowly turn and the door slowly creaking open. 'Crrrrkkkkk' Why was it that every time Shuichi opened a door, it creaked? It was probably because the Author enjoys making him suffer.. yeah, that was it.

The class was silent.

Shuichi entered the room, trying his best to not make eye contact with the people he knew where watching him. "Was it an important phone emergency that you left my class for?"

"I would say that it was important." Shuichi replied, reasonably coldly. Kokichi smiled gently as he felt as blush dusting his cheeks.

Shuichi, just for a second, turned to make eye contact with Kokichi and smiled, also blushing gently. He instantly turned back to face the professor, "I'm not going to fail this class."

The class started murmuring but they quickly shut up as the professor spoke again. "With your lack of attendance from my classes, I do highly doubt that. And you say that you want to become a Detective one day.." Shuichi heard his professor snigger to himself. 

"I am going to become a Detective. Ask me any question that you want, test me." 

The class exploded with another "Ohhhhhhhhhhhh.." 

Kokichi was displaying one of his extremely creepy smiles. "Nishishi.. you've got this Shuichi.. knock him dead." 

I found a amazing riddle on the internet.. so I am going to use that. I actually managed to figure out this one.

"Very well then. You come to a crime scene to see a man who had supposedly jumped out of a window of an abandoned building and supposedly, committed suicide, the windows are closed but there is a suicide note on the ground of the largest window which the man had supposedly jumped out of." 

Shuichi thought back over the information. 

"Was it a murder or suicide? You have 60 seconds." 

If you want to figure it out, don't read on.







I'm going to tell you the answer.

Shuichi was trying his best to focus on the riddle but he could only hear his classmates mumbling. Murder or Suicide.. murder or suicide.. 

Shuichi stopped and took a deep breath. He had to focus on the case not his classmates. Murder or Suicide? 

A man committed suicide because he jumped out of a window. It seemed pretty normal.. 

Wait a second, what did he say about the windows? 

"You come to a crime scene to see a man who had supposedly jumped out of a window of an abandoned building and supposedly, committed suicide, the windows are closed but there is a suicide note on the ground of the largest window which the man had supposedly jumped out of."

The windows.. what about the windows?

"You come to a crime scene to see a man who had supposedly jumped out of a window of an abandoned building and supposedly, committed suicide, the windows are closed but there is a suicide note on the ground of the largest window which the man had supposedly jumped out of." 


"What did you just say?" The professor looked at him with a surprised look on his face. 

The class fell silent, waiting for an explanation.. waiting to see whether Shuichi was right. 

"I said that it was a murder," Shuichi crossed his arms and stood up in his stance in a sudden burst in confidence. He was confident in his deductions. "It's quite obvious if you think about it carefully.. who would close a window after they jumped. It's near to impossible. So it was a murder. Was that the answer you were looking for?" 

The professor huffed then murmured something under his breath. He checked the timer. 46 seconds left. He couldn't believe that he had solved it in 14 seconds.. he was really something else.. "Just sit down Mr Saihara." 

Shuichi felt a satisfied smile creep onto his face. When he turned to face the class to sit in his seat, everyone was staring at him. He suddenly realised that everyone had heard everything. 

Shuichi awkwardly went up the stairs and shuffled to hit seat, Kokichi smiling widely at him. "W-what?"

"That. Was. Fucking. Amazing." 

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