Chapter 4 -

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Next morning I headed outside, confused from last nights appearance of this strange creature. Due to Sir. Malcolm's offer I decided to take a backpack of my things over. I was walking through the streets near the house till I came near an archway and I saw it. The house was at the end of this street; of three rectangular houses, creating the letter U.

I gripped my backpack/sack, as every step I took came closer to the door of the house. My feet trudged up the steps, my right hand was shaking as it was reaching up to knock on the dark brown door.

'Why am I so nervous' I thought, wrongly

I tapped my fist on the door twice and it opened to a dark-skinned servant.

"Umm... Miss. Hemmingway for Sir. Malcolm" I informed

"Come in" He spoke

He invited me in the house and then stood still "Wait here please" 

I looked around the entrance of the house to see a staircase leading up to another floor and two rooms to my left and right with brown double doors.

It reminded me of my parent's house, when the doors were always open connecting with other rooms together like a labyrinth; a puzzle awaiting to drive you into madness or lead you into the darkness.

"Thankyou Sembene, Miss Hemmingway" A voice interrupted rfom behind me.

I looked to my left to see Sir. Malcolm with a warm smile on his face. "Please Come in" 

He led me into the study; the wall behind him was a huge map of the world, most of the room was filled with maps, equipment and parchments stacked on the edges of the room and in the centre was a large table.

"Going somewhere?" I asked

"What?" He replied

"The maps and equipment, are you planning an expedition?" I exclaimed

"Ah, yes" He smiled, looking up to the map behind him "You're very astute Miss Hemmingway"

"Thankyou" I smiled " To where may I ask?"

"Africa, there are some spots that I left behind, the last time I went there" He explained

"You're an explorer" I guessed

"Yes, but not anymore dear, but I'm still willing to get back into the game" He exclaimed "Now back to matter at hand"

"Of Course" I cleared my throat "Do you know why these creatures are doing this?"

"Better yet... Do you know what they are?" He questioned

"Some of the knowledge I know, but what we faced last night, that huge thing, I have no record of what it is" I explained

"Hmm... Interesting" He mumbled " but you know what the other are, the ones that we face, that take our shape"

"Yes, they're simple to understand and very interesting in the ways of how they manage to stay alive for years" I informed 

"Can I get you to help me with something?" He asked

"I need you to get our friend from last night, Dr. Frankenstein" He paused, pouring a drink of whiskey " I want you to take him to a location, you will probably need to change into something more appropriate to where we are going"

He swigged the glass and put it on the table " There will be a dress in one of the guest rooms for you" he smiled "The hallway on the right, the room in the middle"

I rolled my eyes and smiled "Thankyou, Sir. Malcolm

I walked out of the study and headed up the stairs, I took the staircase and saw three rooms at the end of the corridor, I opened the door in the middle and put my backpack on the bed neatly made bed.

The dress on my bed consisted colours of blues, cream and white. I slid my boots on after and stood up straightening out the dress.

'I look so ridiculous, this better be worth it' I thought 

I walked downstairs to meet Sir. Malcolm and Sembene.

"We will take the carriage, to the explorer's club and then to the young doctor's house" He smiled "The dress looks beautiful, Miss Hemmingway" 

"Thankyou" I smiled

We both exited the house and sat in the carriage awaiting Sir. Malcolm's destination. As Sir. Malcolm said his goodbyes and good luck, the carriage was on the way to the house of Dr, Frankenstein. The carriage started to move into the slums of London. Little girls on the streets, boys going to their jobs, parents beginning for money, everyone's face were filled with no hope only sadness and disappointment on their lives. We came to a halt and Sembene opened the door for me and smiled.

"His apartment is on the first floor"

I looked at the door and knocked it twice. It was answered by a little girl, who covered her mouth when she coughed loudly.

"Hello, Miss" She smiled

"Hello, you sure are beautiful" I replied

"Thankyou" She grinned

I pulled out a wrapped sweet from my pocket in my coat and placed it in her two tiny hands. Her face had brightened and ran away in happiness. My presence faced the staircase, I walked up the first flight, then to be greeted by a single grey door. I knocked on it once and the door opened.

"Dr. Frankenstein" I smiled

"Ah.. Lenora" He replied "Did Sir. Malcolm sent you?"

"No, I'm coming to along" I exclaimed

I took in his stance; nervous. He was wearing a tuxedo that was sent by Sir. Malcolm, his shoes were scuffed but polished too their capacity.

"Come Along" I smiled "He'll be awaiting us"

We both walked out, I looked back to see that little girl still happy and telling her mother about me. Sembene jumped down from the carriage to greet Dr. Frankenstein. Before I could reach the handle of the carriage, a hand was there before mine.

"My Lady" He said, kindly 

I blushed and climbed in first and then he joined me after presently, sitting next to me putting both hands in his lap.

Victor's P.O.V


The name had been stuck in my head since last night, when the door opened moments ago, I thought she was an angel, a ray of sunshine from the sky that could never be touched; I could feel her making me warm inside and a sense that nothing could harm her or me in that moment.

She looked outside the window of the carriage, looking up to the sky. Her neck was stretching as she was looking showing her pale skin and so gentle, she looked like a porcelain doll, but I know that she has more to her than that.

"Do you like the sky Dr. Frankenstein?" she asked

"Sometimes it's portrayed in the poetry I read as some sort of freedom" I exclaimed

She turned around with a smile on her face. "You read poetry?"

"I've been brought up to it, it's through my veins" I chuckled

"So there is more to the young doctor than I thought" She smiled

"Everyone has their secrets, hiding them from their true self" I explained

She stayed silent, maybe she was too scared to share her past. I started to wonder about her, how complicated could she be?

"May I call you by your first name as you do with me" She asked, sweetly

"Yes of course, Lenora" I smiled

"Victor, a perfect name for a scientist and a gentlemen" She added

We both exchanged smiles as the carriage came to a slow stop, I stepped out of the carriage then awaited the hand of Lenora and helped her down to the pavement.

"Thank you, Victor" She bowed, her face showed the slightest of blush to her cheeks.

I nodded back and linked arms with her to look in front of us was 'The Explorer's Club'. We walked up the steps to the door and awaited for it too open by two men.

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