Chapter 7-

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As Sembene opened the door for me once I arrived home. I saw Miss. Ives walking up the stairs then turned around to see me.

"Dinner is up in our room and how is the young doctor?" She asked

"Very well" I smiled

"I can see that you take an interest in him" She added

"Yes, He is extraordinary, but I can never be devoted to such a matter, I seem him as acquaintance Miss. Ives, just a young beauty striding away through his prime" I replied, in awe

"Well, I recommend you make you mind, hastily, these creature that we will be up against and what we will be venturing through your soul may be in danger" She informed

Vanessa walked away up the stairs, all high and mighty like nothing was going on. while my mind was sensing that something had taken her; that something was going to happen and it would very horrible for everyoung especially for Miss. Ives.

I rested my head on the pillow after my belly was full of warm food that was given to me by Vanessa. I soon closed my eyes and went off to a peaceful sleep.

'Lenora!...Lenora Please Help!" A voice screamed

I found myself in my old parents country house running through the endless stream corridors, the screams were of a boy and girl calling out my name, pleading help. I ran into thousands of rooms till I came to a hallway with an iron door at the end of it. I walked to it and then pushed it open seeing the dead corpses of the two children. My little brother and sister.

"" I cried

I saw their little bodies lie next to each other holding their hands, my sisters eyes were open, they were filled with fear and suffering. My brother's eyes were closed as if he was asleep. I heard a low growl behind me and a crackling behind my back, the hairs on my arms raised. I turned around too see my brother and sister holding hands, pale skin with purple veins. Both of their head snapped up to look at me, the eyes I saw made me tremble inside, black nothingness. I feel to the floor shuffling to the wall in terror.

"Sarah...James" I whimpered

I went to go and touch them, comfort them, tell them that everything is alright and that there weren't dead. Their heads clicked to the side and they started to grow to my size, they both grew into adults and as vampires, looking down at me with huge grins showing their CAnine teeth, their eyes were are pulsating red, skin paler than any shade of ivory i've ever seen. The vampire roared and swiped their taloned hands making me flying across the room hitting the wall opposite of me. Before I could get up they launched on me. I could feel there taloned hands ripping into my skin, tearing at it and shoving it in their large mouths. The pain was unbearable all I wished for was death. The Vampires went to the sides of my neck and both pulled back and thrusted their head into my neck, sending me out of my dreaming state with a blood curdling scream.

My body jolted up, a pain shooting through my stomach as I was launched out from my nightmare, grabbing my stomach. It was followed by a scream from my mouth. I felt warm tears trickle down my face, making fear travel around every inch of my body. My breathing grew heavy again again as I saw the images of the nightmare flashed over and over again making me run my hands over my face and eyes. I took deep breaths in and walked over to the mirror, seeing my reflection trembling, scared and alone. I dried my eyes and went to the window. 

London streets at night seemed so peaceful to me, the gas lamps lining out the pathways, I looked up to see the moon gleaming, It's light made me calm and soothed my panicking state. I heard a knock on the door and then a worried voice.

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