Chapter 5 -

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Lenora's P.O.V

Victor and I walked into the 'The Explorer club both of our arms linked, his face serious and full of question from last night.

"Did he invite you for dinner?" I asked

"Yes it's kind for him to do so" He smirked

We handed our coats to the servant wearing indian costumes outfront, Victor and I climbed up the stairs to the second floor, to come into a room of different groups of men talking, either holding a brandy in hand or just explaining what they were saying with their hands. I place one hand onto Victor's arm, as we came closer to Sir. Malcolm, he twitched as he felt my hand. Sir. Malcolm saw us as we approached he stood up calmly and firmly.

"Sir. Malcolm" Victor greeted

"Doctor and Miss Hemmingway" he smiled back, shaking hands with Victor and then kissing my cheek sweetly.

"Sir. Malcolm" I smiled, we all sat down, with me sitting next to Sir. Malcolm and Victor sitting directly across from us.

"I'm surprised that you didn't get lost, Lenora" Sir. Malcolm, chuckled

"Me too, London's is like complicated clockwork too me" I exclaimed 

"So, you're the explorer" Victor smirked

"I have continued to the modest discoveries, there's a Mount Murray in the eastern part of the Belgian Congo, if you even in the facility" He paused "Not the tallest mountain, too be sure, but not the smallest either"

Victor and I both smiled at Sir. Malcolm, I shifted forward to the table to pour myself a glass of brandy.

"I've spent most of my life in Africa, beholding wonders" Sir. Malcolm added

"I was surprised to get your note" He exclaimed "You seem a man who holds his secrets fast, I wasn't going to come"

"But you couldn't resist" I added getting both of their attention.

"Well when she showed up at you door, I think your curiosity has made the decision for you, Doctor" Sir. Malcolm smirked, I could see Victor smile a bit, as he glanced over to me for a split second. " When you see a river, you must follow it too it's source, no matter the perils, no matter the comrades that fall along the way, you must unlock, you were dissatisfied always" Sir. Malcolm exclaimed

"Are you dissatisfied?" Victor asked

"I'm seeking" Sir. Malcolm added

"What?" Victor asked again

"Perhaps, the same as you" Sir. Malcolm exclaimed

Victor shook his head at Sir. Malcolm, it's as if a wave of confidence and pride rushed through him " I seek the truth"

"Ah, you're a young man, I long since learned the truth is mutable" Sir. Malcolm remarked

"Perhaps we see science differently" Victor smirked

"Do we?" Sir. Malcolm replied, curiously

"I would never chart a river or scale a peek to take it's measure or plant a flag, there's no point, it's solipsistic self-aggrandisement" He started to point out the different groups of men around the room " So those two scientist who study planets, seeking astronomical enlightenment for it's own sake, the botanists study the variegation of an amazonian fern and the zoologist caught in the fascination in an adder's colis" He started to move his finger around in small circles "And for what? Knowledge for itself alone? The euphoria of discovery? Plant your flag on the truth?" He put his hand over his heart with smugness, but then it disappeared with complete seriousness " There is one worthy goal for scientific exploration"

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