Chapter 6 -

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Lenora's P.O.V

Victor and I walked through the night, we were holding each other in out warm against the cold night. We reached Victor's house and conveniently enough Sembene was with the carriage outside his house. Victor's face disappeared of happiness as he stood in front of the door.

"I should be taking my leave" Victor exclaimed, politely

"Yes, of course" I smiled

I walked closer to him and pulled him into a hug. I could feel his arms slowly snake around my waist and back. His breathing gently brushed my ear, as Victor pulled away from the hug his face, I leaned into his cheek and kissed it lightly wishing him a good night, as soon as I pulled away I could see he was happy that he received it.

"I shall bid you a good night" Victor smiled

"Yes and you too, I hope we shall meet again" I smirked

He closed the door behind him, looking back on last time.

"Good night" I smiled as I walked away to the carriage, I looked over my shoulder to see Victor smiling and his cheeks with a slight blush. I looked over to Sembene and then climbed into the carriage and went home, filled with thought of Dr. Victor Frankenstein.

It had been a couple of weeks since I saw Dr. Frankenstein again, but I could tell in Sir. Malcolm's eye that we will be needing assistance son. Sir. Malcolm had brought in a glass of scarab beetles from Suffolk. He got me to pour the beetles onto corpse I watched them squirm over the body and eating the corpses flesh, I felt myself tired after all the handling with insects and went to retire.

The sun gleamed in one single thick ray through the parting of my curtains. I could feel it gently on my shoulder. I sat up slowly and yawned, rubbing my eyes. I see someone in the corner of the room sitting in a chair, then getting up to open the curtain fully. My eyes squinted at the light and adjusted too see Miss. Ives standing tall.

"Good Morning" I slurred

"Morning, Lenora" She Paused coming over to sit next to me on the side of the bed" Sir. Malcolm gave you some breakfast on the tray"

"Tell him I said thankyou" I smiled "Why did you come here?"

"I wanted to know more about you" She explained "What are your secrets?"

I leaned forward to her and looked in her eyes. I saw something flicker in them, like she was fighting just to smile at me.

"I'll never tell them to a living soul, they're apart of me, Miss. Ives" I replied, seriously

"Sir. Malcolm doesn't like things kept from him, he'll make sure that you secrets with be found, after all we need all of you to help us" She smirked

"Is he like your father, Sir. Malcolm?" I questioned

"Yes, I came to him when I was in strife" She replied, Vanessa moved closer to me and whispered "Do you believe in god?"

"No, I believe in what research not god, he is a false stone everywhere, he can't save everyone, Miss Ives" I exclaimed

She stood up and went by the door "You can eat your breakfast, just let Sir. Malcolm if you're intending to leave the house"

"Thank you, Miss Ives" I smiled

"Please, it's Vanessa" She smiled, closing the door.

The door shut quietly, I feel back onto the bed, rubbing my face and hair with my hands, messing it up more than what it was. I got up limping to the table that had my breakfast on it with a pot with mint tea.

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