Chapter 9 ~

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Lenora's P.O.V

"Why did you not need my services on this night, Sir. Malcolm? Someone could have gotten killed!" I exclaimed

"You were not needed" He said simply "Sorry, Doctor, Lenora, it has been a long night and I must retire"

He swigged a small glass of brandy and slumped up the stairs, almost tripping over the stairs. The only people left in the room was Victor and myself.

"I think that row was my entertainment for tonight" Victor remarked

"Why are you lying?" I asked

"About what?" He mumbled

"Your presence says something unusual, something more, your eyes are holding back tears, your hands are trembling, something bad happened didn't it" I exclaimed

Victor remained silent. "It must've been awfully tragic, stay here tonight, you can stay with me,come"  I exclaimed, extending my hand.

He took ahold of my hand gently and followed me to my room up stairs. Victor shifted gently and then started to look uncomfortable.

"What?" I asked

"You aren't going to..." He started

I looked blank "To do what?"

"You know..." He mumbled

My mind finally clicked and I blushed wildly "No, no , no, of course not"

"Thank Goodness" He sighed

"All women aren't whores, Victor, are you saving yourself?" I smirked

He stayed silent and looked around the room.

"I am too, It's a world of monsters out there" I smiled

"Some more terrible than others" Victor sighed

"What happened?" I asked

"I am sworn to my own secrecy" He protested

I went over to Victor and stroked his arm lightly. "Abandon it, abandon your secrecy, no one can help you, if they never know what is wrong" I exclaimed

"You know the science that I study?" He asked

"Yes, bringing the dead to life" I added

"Well, it worked, two nights from now" He sighed

I grabbed his shoulders in excitement "Victor! That's wonderful, You know how much this could change everything"

"Just sit down, it's a long story" Victor said with sorrow.

I sat in the middle of the bed, while Victor sat on the end with his hands in his lap, he took one long sigh and started to talk about how he first came to London to study and then made a creature after his first years of study, but the after procedure it did not go so well as he was planing. He ran away scared from what he had created, he moved away near to the heart London near the docks where he resigns now. He had been working on a second creature, it was successful and a gentle creature. Victor's breathing quickened. His second creation was ripped to pieces by his first creation Caliban without mercy. His devil spawn of a creature just left him there, not to even care if it was his sibling.

Victor's eyes started to cry as he put his head in his hand. I slid over to the end of the bed and hugged him tightly. I rested my head on the nook between his shoulder and his neck. I kissed the back of his head.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2014 ⏰

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