Chapter 8 ~

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Victor's P.O.V

we both walked throught the night, arms linked and smiles still one our face. She laughed when I stayed quiet, which made feel the need to laugh with her. IN this one night I've been told to kill an innocent woman for the demon's immortal coil. But in the same night the girl of my wondrous ideas, my rose to the spring air, he lips caressed mine ; it felt like an endless ecstasy, my world was on it's highest point and she held her warm palm with mine. Something did not feel right with the night air, it smelt different; I looked over to Lenora too see her face look up ahead and saw Sembene with his hands behind his back with the carriage behind his figure.

Lenora quickened her pace and let go of my arm.

"Sembene, what is the matter? I thought you were with Sir. Malcolm" She gandered 

"Something has come of importance, and Sir. Malcolm needs you, he said that he could rely on you both" He demanded

I made my way to the carriage while Lenora, just took of her coat, also her jacket and threw it to me.

"Please we must go" i pleaded

"Don't worry about me I'll follow" She smiled and grabbed onto a building across the street and started climbing.

I sat in the carriage and looked up at the tall building, on my right and saw Lenora running on the roofs of the buildings. The carriage started to move fast to our destination. every minute I'd look up at the rooftops and see Lenora catching up with us, flipping, jumping and sprinting ; like another being took over her form, I could see her shadow moving faster on the cobblestone road, gaining speed overtaking the carriage and then see lept, see was out of sight. A huge thump was on the top of the carriage and then silence, I looked forwards to see Sir. Malcolm's house insight. I Saw out of the left window Lenora was hanging on to the side of the frame of the door and then jumped off before Sembene pulled the carriage to a haul.

I gather myself and rush to the front door, Lenora had a wild look in her eyes, making me stare at her raging presence. She straightened herself, took a deep breath in and was first to go inside. My mind was confused of Lenora's different persona that she pursued in the last couple of minutes, it's was as if her body split in this side of the heroine and the helpless maiden. I held onto her jackets tight in my arm as I followed behind Lenora, who was in a justified face pace.

Lenora's P.O.V

As I entered the house, I heard struggling downstairs. I behind me to find Sembene and Victor following me. Each scream that came out of the basement raised in volume, which made me grab my knife as I opened the door for safety. Sembene runned to Help Sir. Malcolm and Mr. Chandler, the finally got the loud screams to stop. They pulled away and too my eyes I see a young man, puffing out of breath. I stepped closer as he started to squirm as he looked at me.

"Get away from me!!" He yelled " You WHORE!!! Terrible, Terrible, Naughty, Naughty, Bad Whore, Master will kill you for killing my brother and sisters!" He breathed and growled " How dare you betray our master"

I stepped forwards and crouched down in front of him catching the breath of Victor, Mr. Chandler, Sembene, Vanessa and Sir. Malcolm in the room. I looked him straight into his bloodshot ice blue eyes. He was consumed by the devil that sucks the soul from the blood of the innocence.

"Where is your master?" I raised my voice

"Everywhere he is everywhere" He mumbled 

"No, the one who made you" I exclaimed

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