The pain

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Your in your room crying as you pack.

"I can't...I can't take this anymore. It's to much. I need to leave. I can't stay. I need to run...." you mumble to yourself through tears.

You pack as much as you can into your bag. Clothes, food and water and all the money you have. You grab a sleeping bag and tie it to your backpack. You walk out of the house you grew up in for the last time. Not saying a word and not looking back. You had to get away. Away from the pain and everyone that's causes it. The sun is rising and you take a deep breath.

"A new day and hopefully a new beginning." You say as you walk. You don't know where your going. Just that you needed to leave.

Time skip
You've been traveling around for months now. Doing odd jobs for money for food and sleeping wherever you could. You finally find a town with a big building visible from anywhere. You decide to go check it out. You walk in and see a bunch of nice looking people.

Something about them warms your heart. You see a small man sitting at the bar. He looks like he knows about this place so you ask him with wonder in your voice "hi..uhh...excuse me but what is this place?"

He looks at you with amazement and a smile. "My dear this is Fairy Tail. The best guild in the whole kingdom!"

"I believe it! Everyone looks so nice and happy here." You say with a smile.

"Why don't you join? We'd love to have you." He offers with a smile.

"I can just join? Just that easy? I don't know the first thing about a guild!" I say with a shaky voice.

"It's ok my dear. Tell me do you now magic?" He asks.

"No. Sadly I don't." You say with a frown. Fighting back tears.

"It's ok! Don't worry. Tell you what you can join and work here. No magic required." He offers with a smile.

"Thank you sir." You say with a small smile.

You get your mark and get to work. Your job is basic to keep everything clean so you do your best to keep it clean. But there's always something broken. Your annoyed but don't let it get to you.

Time skip
A few weeks pass and you've made some friends. Mira is close to you since you guys work together. She's so sweet and helpful. Levy has started talking to you. You find her adorable and incredibly smart. Erza is scary but you can tell she has a heart of gold.

Then there's Grey. Who is always stripping. You got in a habit of having extra clothes around and drop them on him whenever you notice him half naked. Instead of embarrassing him by yelling. He's come to get used to it and rely on it and blushes from time to time.

Then there's Natsu. He always has happy with him. Happy is a blue cat that can fly. You don't question it. He's always fighting Grey and causing a scene. But you can tell he's really sweet and cares a lot about everyone. Erza keeps everyone in line and you laugh at how people snap to attention when she's around.

You got a small apartment near the guild and got used to being the last one to leave every night after cleaning up. You liked to be alone because it gave you time to think. As you locked the doors you suddenly feel overwhelming sadness. Your mind flashes back to the day you left home. You start to cry and shake. Your head is suddenly overflowing with memories of your past.

You bang your head against the guild doors just once to try to clear your brain but you just cry more. You slide down the door to your knees while facing the guild. You hear footsteps behind you and quickly wipe your tears.

"Hey...are you ok? Do you need help?" You hear a soothing male voice ask.

"I'm ok. Thanks. Just thought of a bad memory is all." You reply.

"Ok. If your sure your alright. Would you like me to escort you home? It is pretty late." He offers. He sounds nice but you don't know him. Right?

"No thank you. I can't accept help from a stranger. Now please leave." You reply. Trying to sound firm but appreciative.

"But were in the same guild. Don't you remember me?" He says with a small laugh.

Honestly you never even looked at this guy the entire time. You just assumed he was a stranger. You finally look up and see Natsu with happy flying nearby. You smile and suddenly feel embarrassed. You never paid much attention to him before. You just knew he was nice and loved his guild mates whole heartedly. He holds out his hand to help you and you accept it. You allow him to walk you home.

But even though you have company you still feel extremely depressed, your heart is heavy and tears are always threatening to overtake your eyes. You know you must have a sad aura around you and possibly even a literal dark cloud over your head. But you can't help it. This is the real you. The you you've been for your whole life. Your life. One big sad story.

You can feel him watching you with concern as you walk but your used to the look. People gave it to you a lot but no one ever cared enough to actually help you in any way. They always said it wasn't a big deal and the sadness will go away. It never completely did. Sure there were days you were great and laughed but the pain never completely left. It was a deep scar that came with pain whenever it was touched.

You arrive at home and thank him and walk in to your apartment. You can tell he wanted to say something but didn't. You see him looking at you with sad eyes and happy is on top of his head looking just as sad you just close the door. You go to your room and change and go to bed.

A gunshot. A loud scream. A vision of someone hanging, dead from above. A note that read "I died to stop the pain" your memories playing over in your dreams as a horrible nightmare. You wish it was just a nightmare but it was a nightmare you lived. You wake up screaming and crying the pain and heaviness in your heart threatening to pull you down to hell.

You shoot up in bed only to be met with a warm hug and a concerned embrace. This person was shaking as much as you were. You feel all the blood rush to your head and you fall backwards on your bed and you black out.

You wake up to a cold wet rag on your forehead and a figure sitting next to you. You let your eyes focus and see its natsu. His head is hanging and he looks so sad. You start to cry silently because you can't help but feel guilty. This guy was always happy except for when he was fighting with grey and your definitely not grey.

You caused this sadness all because you couldn't control your emotions and your memories. You sniffle and he hears you. He looks at you with concern written all over his face. He looks horrible.

"Your awake!" He yells with some happiness but you can tell he's still feeling bad.

Happy comes flying in "glad to see your ok!" He shouts with a smile.

"Yeah. I'm ok. Thanks." You reply. Smiling weakly. "Why are you guys here? I thought you left after I got home." You ask trying to make sense of last night.

"We started to but I felt concerned for you. I felt like I needed to stick around and I'm glad I did. I heard you scream and came up. I came in through the window and saw you screaming and crying. It just broke my heart. I didn't know what to do though. When you sat up so quickly all I could do was hug you. Then you passed out and I freaked. Happy told me to put the wet rag on your head to help cool you off because you were hot to the touch. I'm sorry if I scared you but I couldn't leave you to suffer." He explains to you. Emotions written all over his face.

You've seen these all before but no ones ever bothered to care for you before. Not like this. They always said they cared but left when you needed them most. This level of concern is most likely a one time thing like everyone else did to you. You get up and give him a hug and thank him for the help. He smiles and hugs you back. He's happy to see your ok. You convince him to leave so you can get ready to go to work at the guild. He leaves and you prepare for the day.

Trying again ✔️ (Natsu x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now