Home and family

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After a few days we get to go home. Natsu is carrying mini natsu of course and Erza has my bags. Grey is standing next to me in case I need help. Natsu hates the idea but he knew it was for the best. We decide to stop by the guild first so everyone can see the baby. It was a warm summer day so I had no worries. We arrive and we are rushed. Erza went to take my stuff home and prepare for our arrival. Everyone was so happy and couldn't believe how much the baby looked like his dad. We didn't stick around long but we promised to return again soon.

Parenting is hard. Seriously. Nothing could of prepared me for this. So much crying and diaper changing and feedings. Sheesh. The newborn stage is the most difficult. But time went quickly thanks to all the help. Everyone loved baby natsu and they loved how we named him after his dad.

Once the baby could walk he could run. I'm glad natsu has the energy and the playfulness of a child. He kept his mini self busy easily. By the time natsu jr. was a year old he could use some fire magic. Of course this made my anxiety go through the roof. I mean come on a baby with the ability to set things on fire. No thanks. But natsu kept a close watch on him. Thankfully. Natsu is such a amazing dad.

He's so loving and caring and fun. He loves his baby and that baby loves him just as much. It's so freaking adorable I could die. Oh did I mention he has hair exactly like his dad? Yeah. When I say spitting image I mean it. It's like a photo copy. Everything was great for a long time. We both could work but we took turns. I let natsu go without me as long as it was short missions.

We were closer than ever and I loved it. After a while I got my intimacy back and natsu loved it. But the problem with that is....it equals more babies. Yeah. I ended up pregnant again. Everyone was so happy but the happiest of course was natsu. He loved the idea of having two kids.

He wanted a girl and so did I. Can you believe our wish was granted? We had a girl when our first born was about a year and a half old. Guess what? She looked just like natsu to. I swear that guy has strong genes. But hey a girl with pink hair is adorable. We decided to name her Luna Rose Dragneel because her eyes shined bright like the moon and her cheeks were like pink roses.

The guild was buzzing with excitement when we brought her home. Mira and Erza babysat Jr while we were in the hospital. This time we were more prepared for the busyness of a baby. But not the jealousy of a big brother. He was happy to have a little sister but not happy about not getting all the attention. It took some adjusting but again with help we got it down pact.

Of course natsu is going to teach Luna magic to. I'm still smile when I look at him. He's so happy it's contagious. He's never not smiling. Even in his sleep. I lay awake one night thinking about the past and everything we went through together. We had no idea then that we would end up married and have 2 beautiful children. To think of all the pain we went through and now look at us. It's been 2 years since I've had a depressive episode and I'm so thankful.

I guess natsu really was my medicine. That's a medicine I will gladly take everyday the rest of my life. I love him and I love our kids and for the first time ever I realize I love my life.

Dreams really do come true. Have faith and stay strong. Never give up. The minute you think of giving up think of the reason why you held on for so long.

Trying again ✔️ (Natsu x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now