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The next day I woke up a hot, sweaty, sticky mess. I was exhausted and sore. I didn't even get out of bed. I was laying my head on Natsu's chest regardless of him being just as much of a mess as me. He looked so peaceful and happy. I just watch him sleep. It's so relaxing. He finally wakes up and sees me looking at him.

"Good morning beautiful. How you feeling? Did you sleep well?" He asks.

"Yeah I slept fine but I feel like I've been hit by a train." I groan.

"Choo choo" he laughs while tickling me. I slap his chest but can't stop laughing. He's so funny. I love this guy.

"I love you." I whisper under my breath.

"I love you too." I hear his response.

I was shocked he heard me. My face spoke it all. He laughs and kisses me. "You going anywhere today?" He asks.

"Even if I wanted to I can't. I'm incapacitated thanks to you." I laugh at what I said and his expression.

"In-ca- what?" He says while tilting his head. I start laughing.

"It means I can't move. Thanks to you." I manage to tell him.

"Oh. Hehe. Sorry" he replies with a smile.

"It's ok. Let's just relax today. Ok?" I ask, he agrees.

Time skip

A few months go by. People have noticed me and natsu are closer than ever and growing even closer. He can barely keep his hands off me and I've been smiling almost non stop. Everyone's happy that I'm so happy. I've gone on a few easy jobs with him. Starting off slow you know? I've learned some sword skills from Erza so I can defend myself if I need to. I feel bad for leaving. I'm so happy here I can't imagine leaving ever again.

A couple more months go by. I feel sick. I don't know why. I haven't been sick since I came here and I haven't been around anyone sick. I don't know what's going on. After being sick for a few days natsu finally convinced me to go to the doctor. He takes me of course. They run tests and ask us to wait for the results. He's holding my hand the entire time.

He can tell I'm scared and I can tell he is to. He doesn't want anything bad to happen to me. The doctor comes in and natsu squeezes my hand tightly.

"Well. We have the test results." The doctor says. He pauses before continuing. "All the results came back normal..." me and natsu look at each other and smile. "Except for one.." that smile is now gone. He looks at me.

His face is completely serious. "Your pregnant." He states. "Congratulations. Looks like your about 2 months along. Please come back weekly so we can make sure the baby is healthy." I've never seen such a shocked look on natsu. I'm a bundle of mixed emotions.

"You're free to go at any time." The doctor tells us then leaves.

"Natsu. You ok?" I look at him worriedly. He hasn't moved since he heard the news. He doesn't respond. I see his eyes glistening. Is he going to cry?

"I-I'm gonna be a dad?" He asks.

"Yes." I reply. "Are you happy?" I ask.

Not knowing what he's thinking. He could be mad about this for all I know. We are young after all. This is a real shock. He suddenly gets up and pulls me up. He gives me a big hug and starts crying.

"Of course I'm happy! This is amazing! I'm going to be a dad!" He's practically yelling and I'm just so relived he's happy about this. I relax into his hug and hug him back.

Now to tell everyone else.

No need to worry about that. Natsu practically told the whole town. Once we got to the guild he screamed it so everyone could hear. I just stood there laughing. He's going to be such a good dad. He's so fun and energetic.

Trying again ✔️ (Natsu x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now