The truth

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A knock on the door. "Who is it?!" You ask more harshly than you'd like.

"It's Mira. Sweetie please open the door. I'm worried about you."

You sigh. "I'm fine Mira. I'm still alive." Though I don't want to be you think to yourself.

"I know. But can I please come in. I'd like to see you. Your my friend and I miss you." She begs through the door.

You cave in and open it. You can see the pain in her eyes. You must look like hell. Your clothes and face are wet from tears and you just know your covered in scratches. You haven't showed in who knows how long. Your a mess. But it's a mess you are comfortable in for some reason.

She puts her hands on your shoulders and says "it's time for you to tell me what happened. I know you told natsu. He told me he promised not to say anything but he just had to tell me that you trust him and he wants to be there for you." She looks me deep in the eyes.

I can see her pain I'm hurting people again. No. "Ok I'll tell you. Sit down please." You begin to tell her everything.

From what you told natsu to the pain you've been feeling since he never came back. She looks at you with tears running down her face. "I want to help you but I don't know how. No ones knows when or if they are coming back." She says.

Oh that did it. Your now on the floor crying like crazy. Not again. Not again. Please. Mira realizes what she says but not knowing what to do she silently leaves feeling bad.

You've made up your mind. It's time to leave again. This time I'll stay away from everyone. I'll just live in the forest forever. Forever moving. You pack up everything once again. Tell the manager your leaving and you leave in the late of the night. No good byes because you know they'll stop you. You start walking as the sun comes up. You don't look back. You can't. It'll just cause more pain.

You get used to roaming again. The peaceful nights under the stars. You have the nightmare again. But this time natsu is in it. You see him leaving you and not caring about you. You see him tell his friends that he's purposely not coming back until your gone. Lies! They have to be. Are they? Either way I can't turn back. You think to yourself one morning after you woke up crying again.

You've been walking for a month now. Suddenly you hear footsteps. No. They are running. Running twords you! You make a break for it. Running as fast as you can. You hear them get closer and closer. Your heart starts pounding. Your scared out of your mind. Suddenly you hear more footsteps. They are all around you.

It's a ambush! You think. You want to fight but with no magic and no weapon you can't do anything. Your head starts spinning. Yeah just pass out. Let them see your weak. Let them kill you in your sleep. End this nightmare please! You pass out. Darkness surrounds you.

You awake in a hospital bed. Alone of course. That's nothing new and you expect it. You get up and get dressed. Your ready to leave. You don't care where you are or why you were brought here. You just knew you had to go. There's no ropes or chains on you and no locks on the door so you know you weren't captured. Probably someone found you after the attackers left your pathetic self alone in the forest.

They must of figured you weren't worth the time. Your dressed and you leave. You exit the room to the last thing you expect. The Fairy Tail guild hall! What? No! I was far away from here! Why am I here?! You think to yourself and you start to panic.

You do the only thing you could do. Run. You made a break for the door only to be blocked in. Everyone has their attention on you and you feel so ashamed.

Trying again ✔️ (Natsu x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now