Starting over

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You arrive at the guild. You see natsu and he sees you. You avoid eye contact and head to work. You work all day and finally it's time to go home. It's been awkward and you feel bad for avoiding Natsu but you didn't know what to tell him. You finish your last minute things and leave. You walk out and to no surprise there was Natsu. You pretend not to see him and close and lock the door.

When you turn around again he grabs you and gives you a hug. He's so warm. I love his hugs. NO STOP IT. DON'T LET YIUR GUARD DOWN! You gently push him away and start walking. He follows you of course. You smile a bit. This is starting to become routine. It's good to know he cares but you can't risk getting to close. You hear happy fly to him and plop on his head causing him to laugh quietly.

You reach your door and decide to invite him in. He hesitates but agrees. He sits on your couch and seems uncomfortable.

"You can leave whenever you wish. I just wanted to apologize for yesterday. My mind suddenly was overrun with memories of my love that died. I couldn't control my emotions so I ran. I'm sorry." You explain to him.

He nods in understanding and then suddenly smiles. "Wait. Laying with me reminded you of your true love?" He asks with a small blush.

This makes you blush and turn away. "N-not that I think of you that's just that. You remind me of him. No! I mean the position we layed in. It just" you sigh "it brought back memories. Memories I miss so much. I want to experience that happiness again. But I'm afraid of the pain that follows." You say while holding yourself.

You sit on the floor and rock a little. Realizing you sound like a complete idiot. You hear natsu get up. He sits behind you and wraps his arms around you.

"It's ok. I promise I won't hurt you in any way. I'm happy I brought back some good memories and I'm sorry I also caused you to remember the bad ones." His voice is so soft and reassuring.

You lean back and welcome the warm embrace. It feels good to be hugged you think to yourself. Without realizing it you feel asleep. Still wrapped up with natsu. He notices you asleep and carry's you to your bed. He puts you down and try's to leave but you grab him

"please....stay..." you mumble in your sleep and pull him closer.

He smiles softly and climbs into bed gently behind you. He wraps his arms around you and hears you sigh peacefully and falls asleep.

The next day. You wake up and you feel so warm and comfortable. Which is strange. Your never this comfortable and cozy. You relax and look around. You notice happy asleep on some pillows on the floor. Huh. Natsu must of left happy here to watch over me. That's so sweet. You think to yourself.

You go to get up and notice you can't. You look to see what's holding you down and see a arm wrapped around your waist. You internally panic. You turn and see natsu asleep and looking rather peaceful.

Your still freaking out on the inside. What happened last night?! Why is he in my bed?? Why is he cuddled up with me? You take a few deep breaths and calm down. You look under the covers and notice your both still fully dressed. Ok good. I can rule that out thank god. You think as you breathe a sigh of relief.

Natsu suddenly pulls you closer. Right I almost forgot he has ahold of me. He pulls you against his chest and nuzzles your neck. This gives you goosebumps and makes your body tingle. You relax as you feel his steady breathing. He's calm so why am I not? This isn't so bad after all. We are just friends. He was just keeping me company. Yeah.

You suddenly feel him stir. You feel him raise his head up and look at you. Then he lays back down and gives you a squeeze. Is he happy to be holding me? Is he enjoying this? You feel yourself blush at the thought. You unknowingly let out a small sigh/ moan and he hears it.

"Are you awake?" He asks in a gentle and sleepy voice.

"Yeah" you reply "I need to ask though why are you cuddling me in my bed. I mean I'm not mad just trying to figure out what is going on here.."

He chuckles and squeezes you "you really don't remember do you? You fell asleep with me on the floor while I was holding you after you told me why you ran off the other day. I carried you to the bed and when I was letting go you grabbed me and asked me to stay. So I did. You sounded really happy in your sleep and you didn't wake up crying so I guess I do help you relax." He says.

He never let go of you while he was talking and he sounded so relaxed and peaceful. "Yeah I guess you do. Maybe I need to have you around more..." you trail off.

No damn it. He's lovey dovey now but that will change! He's not your boyfriend. When he gets a girlfriend he will leave you high and dry and in pain. Stop it now before it's to late! You think to yourself.

"I think I will stick around more. If it means you'll be happy." He says while nuzzling you.

Damn it girl now you've done it. Your just asking for more pain. But I guess I can enjoy it while it lasts. You place your hand over his and hold him close. You both fall back asleep.

"Crap I'm late!" You yell while rushing to get ready.

"Relax. They will understand. This is your first time being late." Natsu replies trying to calm you down.

He suddenly notices the bandages and grows concerned. "What's that?" He growls with concern.

"Oh. I scratched myself. I'm ok." He raises a eyebrow at you. "I'm ok I promise. Let's go." You reply

"I'm telling you it's ok. They won't mind it just once." He tells you again.

"I know but I don't like to upset people and I don't like people mad at me. I can't handle it." You say while pushing him out the door. "Come on. Come on let's go!" You order him.

Shutting the door you run for the guild with natsu right behind you. You only end up being 5 minutes late. You rush in with natsu and run to Mira while ignoring the looks. She sees you and natsu enter together and gets a grin on her face.

"Hey Mira. What's with the grin?" You ask.

"Oh nothing" she replies still smiling.

"Wait your not mad that I'm late?" You ask sounding very surprised

"Not at all!" She replies. "I saw you come in with natsu so I'm not worried at all. Just don't make it a habit ok?" She says still smiling.

You shrug it off and go about your work. You see her talking to Natsu at one point but think nothing of it. You notice her smiling at you before the end of the shift.

"What?" You ask.

"Oh nothing. Just that your smiling and humming and you never do that. Especially after that night. It's cute." She says while clasping her hands together.

You roll your eyes and laugh. That night natsu walks you home and offers to stay with you again. You accept and it soon becomes routine. He's been practically living with you since then. You feel happier and the nightmares and memories haven't come back. For once. You feel like everything is perfect.

One day Natsu leaves on a job with grey and Erza. He says he will only be gone for about a week. You can last that long right. Yeah a week was easy. But a week soon turned into weeks. Then months. You slowly sink into despair.

No. Not again. Please. But I told you so. I told you you'd be hurt. But you didn't listen. Now look at you. Why do you even care? It's not like he loves you. You shouldn't even love him. Look what happened to the last guy you loved. He's dead. This one most likely suffered the same fate. Thanks to you. Way to go.

Your brain. You hate it. It tells you lies. But the lies make sense. They make so much sense. You believe the lies. People start noticing your miserable. You can't take the stares. You start to miss work completely. You don't even go to the guild anymore. You can't handle it. It reminds you of him and the pain.

Then suddenly a knock on the door.

Trying again ✔️ (Natsu x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now