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"So are you coming bro?" Martin asked for the hundredth time.

He told me he was throwing a party tonight and he has been begging me to come to his stupid party for weeks. I have turned him down every time he asked and I don't know what makes him think I'll change my mind.

"My mind is made up," I said through clinged teeth. This guy was really testing my temper.

"Well, what if I told you Kasey will be there? " Martin said with a smirk. The mention of her name lit up a spark in me. That girl is doing crazy things to me.

"My answer would still be no" I said with a straight face trying to keep my composure. But, I knew that was a lie and the smirk that grew wider on Martin's face told me that he didn't buy my bull either.

There was no way I was admitting to Martin that Kasey got me whipped.

"If I didn't know better I'd say you are whipped bro. That chick has got you wrapped around her tiny little finger." Martin teased taking a swing of his beer before narrowing his eyes at me. "Where is the Ricky boy who lives for parties, huh?" Martin said testing me.

It is true, parties were- are my life and I live to party. Martin knew which buttons to push to get me to do what he wanted. He knew I wouldn't back down from a party and right now if I didn't agree to go to his party then it would mean I was totally whipped by Kasey and thats something I'm not letting slip.

I ran my fingers roughly through my already tousled hair and hoped I won't regret what I was about to say.

"Fine, I'll go" I sighed in defeat. "But, I'm not going because she'll be there." I let the lie simply roll off my tongue.

Honestly, I decided to attend that party the moment he mentioned Kasey's name. I just needed to see her face or at least get her to forgive me.

"Cool" Martin flashed me his ten-dollars smile. I guess he must've been convinced by my lie or he just knew better not to say anything.

I've been threw shit since I saw Kasey with Brad. I try to convince myself that maybe I'm not used to being dumped by a chick, but the pain in my chest tells me its something totally different.


I got to Martin's party a little late. I had already had a few shots of whisky before I got here and I was feeling a little tipsy.

Loud rock music was bursting through the speakers. People were dancing, drinking and having conversations in Martin's living room. We cleared up the space earlier so the room looked like a dance floor.

I took in my surroundings trying to find any familiar face. Girls wearing...practically nothing were drooling at the sight of me. I loved the attention, but now it just irritated me how these sluts had no respect for themselves.

I only came here for one reason and that reason was Kasey. I scanned the whole house trying to find her, but she was no where to be found.

I let out a frustrated growl and ran my fingers through my tousled hair.

"Where is she?" I murmured to myself.

"Looking for someone?" I heard a familiar voice behind me.

I turned around and a snarl instantly fell on my lips.

"Who I look for has nothing to do with you." I snapped at him.

He had a half filled red cup in his hand, which I assumed contained alcohol. He looked chilled and laid back and didn't even flinch at my tone. Probably because of the loud music I guess.

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