Chapter 5 ~ I'm Falling For The Playa?!

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Chapter 5 ~ I'm Falling for the playa?

~the three of us laid in the bed as I started at the phone!

Maria: Kaesha would you jus take your eyes off that stupid thing they are gonna call you even if you didn't make it in

Kaesha: but it's 6.... 6 they should have called by now :/

Jordan: Maria don't say that!

Maria: what I'm not trying to but shes killing her self over a phone call!

Kaesha: your right *the phone rang* hello

Lady: Hello? Oh is this Kaesha

Kaesha: yes 0.0

Lady: I have called to inform you that you have been accepted into the company! Welcome aboard!

Kaesha: oh thank you thank you so much!

Jordan+Maria: 0.0

Lady: alright can I talk with your mother?

Kaesha: (* ran the phone back down the stairs gave it to my mom an ran back up an jumped on the bed*) omg!!!

Jordan: omg I'm so proud

Maria: dang my girls all grown up!

Me: :)

(*my mother walked in the room*)

Mom: Kaesha?

Me: yes!

Mom: ok so you made it in! An there's only one twist!

Me: (*i sat up*) what's wrong?

Mom: they would like to fly you to L.A to train you!

Me: L.A

Maria+Jordan: L.A?

Mom: yes they have a huge modeling show an they need alot of kid models fast so there shipping! I told her you would be attending

Me: attending?

Mom: yes so get packed up (*she walked out the room with a smile*)

Me: what! L.A

Jordan: ohhh Kaesha L.A isn't that bad! Think about The positive side! You get to be in a fashion show! You get to travel!

Me: yea but I'm leaving you guys!

Maria: oh don't worry about us we'll hold the place down for you

Jordan: yea you go an have fun *checked her phone* aww sorry guys I have to get going

Maria: yea it's getting late imma head out to

Jordan: good luck boo

Me: thanks :/


[Night time came]

~ she was sound asleep thinking about how her trip would be tomorrow going To L.A doing a big model show when once again she herd a knock on her window


Me: what the heck!!! (*i got up an unlocked The window*) Maurice Whats the problem this time! 0.0

Maurice: nothin jus come with me

Me: dude do you know what time it is 11 I can't leave the house i gotta- (*gets cut off*)

Maurice: yea I know you have to be somewhere in the morning! But please for this one time come with me!

Me: -.0 alright (*i grabbed my bathrobe an threw it over me I climbed out the window an joined Maurice on the ground*)

Maurice: (*looked around to make sure no one saw us an he grabbed my hand an took off running*)

Me: Maurice!! Where are we going!

Maurice: jus come!

~ we ran to a huge tree an Maurice took a seat

Me: (*i stood with my hands on my hips*) boy you meaning to tell me you snuck me out my house! Jus to take me to a tree! You could at least took me out to eat or something!

Maurice: lol come here! (*he grabbed me an pulled me to the grass*) jus look up at the sky!

Me: (*i looked*)

Maurice: the stars are so nice at this time (*he sat smiling*)

Me: yea your right!

Maurice: so your leaving tomorrow 

(*turns an looks away*)

Me: yea I am heading off to the big city

Maurice: that's a big step

Me: yea I know

Maurice: idk

Me: what do you think I can't handle the big life

Maurice: I don't think you handle alot of things (*he rolled over on me an jus started in to my eyes*)

Me: lol :)

Maurice: imma miss you

Me: :) imma miss you to

~ he leaned in closer, I knew it was coming but for some reason I had no power in stoping him! He leaned in an kissed me! Surprisingly I kissed him back but I wasn't for sure why! An what I actually felt

Maurice: :)

Me: :) {MY mind~ wait hold up am i actually following for this playa!} (*i pushed him off of me*)

Maurice: what's wrong?

Me: ummm I gotta go (*i started walking away*)

Maurice: (*grabbed my hand*) where you going?

Me: Maurice I'm going home (*i took my hand back quickly*)

Maurice: (*ran an stopped me by grabbing my waist*) wait what's wrong?

Me: (*i pulled away an turned back to him*) Maurice you jus kissed me! An I really don't know what to think right now

Maurice: you kissed me back

Me: I know I know (*puts hands on my head*) but I-I really don't know what I want to do

Maurice: well let me decide for you (*he moved closer to me an kissed me again!*)

~ I kissed him back again!! Dang what the heck was wrong with me! My feelings where running around crazy like a dog with a pumpkin on his face and can't see or don't know where to go! His lips were soft an they made me melt ever so lightly!

Me: (* I pulled away*) umm I gotta go I have a long day tomorrow so

Maurice: :) alright see you girl ;)

Me: lol bye Maurice!

~ I turned away an walked the rest of the way home by myself in the dark!

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