Chapter 23 ~ Hanging Out

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---> i told her by issa --->

Chapter 23 ~ Hangin out

~ it came that time to meet Jacob at the night club!

Me: (*i walked I the door*) hey girls!!

Brittany: hey!!

Diamond: what's up whats up!

Me: lol wait where's Vivi?

Brittany: oh she went out

Diamond: with

Me: oh😒 well do y'all wanna go out with me!

Erica: sure what's up

Me: we'll this cute guy! Jacob latimore

Isabella: omg 😱😱

Me: he asked me to come hang out with him an the crew tonight!

Diamond: I'm in

Brittany: me to

Me: ok we need to hurry up an get ready

Erica: alright (*everyone broke into the bathrooms*)

Me: lol (*i went in the room an put on one o my good out fits! Shoot I had someone I was trynna impress to night ;) everyone got ready an piled into the limo*)


Isabella: so I did this commercial ! An this girl was straight tellin at me! Your not doin your party right blah blah blah!!

Erica: lol jus I grow them they jus mad cuz you doin your thing okkk

Me: ok (* we slap hands ✋👏*)

- soon we arrived to the club!

Diamond: let's party!!!!


Me: (*in the club I spotted Jacob very fast! I went up to him*) hey

Jacob: hey you made it (*gave me a hug*) oh I want to meet some people I brought, everyone this is Kaesha! Kaesha this is.. (*gets up by Erica she came out of no where*)

Erica: e(is), e, e,

Me: sa!

Diamond: his eyes are making me melt 😍

Issa: hey :) 😁

Jacob : and jacquees

Jacquees: what's up

Jacob: an Jawan

Jawan: (*stepped up an have me a hug*) hey girl it's nice to see you again!

Me: hey Jawan! Yes it is! We can party tighter now

Jawan: lol

-brittany an Isabella joined us

Brittany: omg you guys that guy (*points to jawan*) looks jus like Jawan! Do you have a twin?

We all laugh

Diamond: brit that is Jawan!

Isabellea: omg!

Brittany: wait a minute! Is that the guy

Me: (*i kept giving her signals telling her not to say anything*) no *shake head* umm umm *hand across neck*

Brittany: yes it is! You are (*points to Jacob*) the guy that Kaesha has a crush on

Me: {my mind: really}

Diamond: we'll I'm ready to dance let's hit the floor! (*she went to the floor an started dance to say ahh by trey songz*)

Erica: 👯👯 aye this is my jam

Diamond: (*danced with issa*)

Me: (*i danced with jacob*) 👯👯💃💃. (*i was getting it*)

~ song Issa I told her

Issa: ayee I told her I'm an fire

Jacques's: le go le go le got keep it on the low!!

Diamond: ayeee!!! (*popin*) 👯👯

Me: lol look at brittany!! (*she was dancing with jawan*)

Voice: Kaesha buddie!!!!

Me: (*i looked an saw cece easing my way*) hey cece!!

Cece: what's up what's up!

Me: everyone I want y'all to meet cece!

Cece: hey

Girls: hey

- we darted dancing again

Cece: wait omg (*she ran over to some dude an came back with her around him*) everyone this is Steven

Everyone: hey

Jacob: what's up man (*hand shake*)

Cece: Steven this is Kaesha

Steven: Kaesha :)

Me: Steven :)

Jacob: (*took my hand*) come with me (*we all walked to the bar an sat down! Jacob order his special drink*) thanks (*he took a sip*)

Me: no Jacob don't drink that

Jacob: lol its ok, I would drink nothin that was bad for me :)

Me: ok :)

Jacob: here try it! This is my favorite drink!

Me: ok (* I took it *) wait try my favorite drink (*i ordered my cherry icy an put a caprisuns in it*)

Jacob: you trynna kill me! That looks nasty

Me: lol no drink it it's good (*i gave it to him*)

Jacob: alright (*he sipped it*) umm I'm shocked it's good

Me: see I told you :)

Diamond: aww look at them there sharing there favorite drinks

Erica: haha yea!

Jawan: do you have a favorite drink? (*said to brittany*)

Brittany: (*twirled her hair*) blue merry! :)

Jawan: lol

Issa: (*looked off to the distant an saw something that made him be shocked*)

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