Chapter 27 ~ H*e's Gone Be H*e's So You Shouldn't Blame Brandy

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Chapter 27 ~ H*e's gone be H*e's so you shouldn't blame brandy!

~ it's been so time now since that night! An me an Jacob ha really started to support each other an really appreciate each others company! We are backstage at one of the concerts we are laying on a white chouch sleep

Me: (*wake up an look at Jacob I give him a quick kiss*)

Jacob: (*half sleep*) hun?

Lady: (*comes an starts taking pictures*) aww look at my cute babies

Jacob: uggh mom really

Me: lol

Miss Taylor: awe hush up! An come on you have to meet fans now

Jacob: alright (*he got up an walked away with his mom, cece came an sat next to me*)

Cece: hey hey girl

Me: hey cece

Cece: umm umm umm guess who hear!

Me: who?

Cece: that H*e { the reason she calls her that is Becasue this girl is new to te crew an she be around alot of guys an been spending alot of time with Jacob! More than me}

Me: lol umm umm

Cece: yes brandy!

Me: it's cool

Cece: naw come on let's go see her (*we got up an walked on stage, we saw her an jacob*)

Me: hey

Brandy: (*truns to us*) oh hey girls

Me: what's up

Brandy: oh nothin (*pauses*) oh honey the money didn't come in yet?

Me: what you mean?

Brandy: because (*pulls my shirt*) HoBO season! LMBO

Me: >:( what's your problem!

Brandy: no what's yours

Cece: you starts alot of crap

Brandy: ummm

Me: cece was right your nothin but a whore!

Jacob: >:(

Brandy: how?

Me: you be hanging around to me boys

Cece: an her boyfriend

Brandy: hahaha lol yea ((your boyfriend)) (*she said saracastilly*) (*folds arms*) but that's not what he calls me!

Me: what does he have to do with any thing!

Brandy: umm umm umm you know you talk so much crap but your no action

Me: oh I will show you action! (*i pushe her*)

Brandy: now this game I can play (*she pushed me so hard I fell off the stage but good thing a dancer caught me*)

Dancer: whoaa! You ok?

Me: yea thanks (*i looked at Jacob but he didn't do anything*)

Dancer: no problem (*he sat me back on the stage*)

Me: (*i went up to her an slapped her hard 👋*)

Brandy: (*held her face*) >:(

Cece: let's go

Brandy: you stupid B*h (*she spit on me*)

Me: (* I walked out*) H**

Cece: (* had took me backstage an laid me out on the couch*) you ok?

Me: yea thanks!

Cece: I really don't like her

Me: me ethier now! Imma he some rest!

Cece: ok bye (*she left an I closed my eyes an took my nap*)

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