Chapter 12 ~ I'm Late

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chapter 12~ I'm late

~ I woke up To yelling and screaming

Me: what the

Voice: Kaesha wake up we are gonna be late!!!!

Me: (*i feel myself getting tugged out the bed*) what in the world!

Voice: honey wake up it's me jessica!

Me: (*i stood up*) Jessica!! What what happen

Jessica: I came over to pick you up an you over here sleeping (*she throws clothes at me*) hurry up get dress we got to go!!

Me: omg (*i ran in the bathroom an showered I ran out an met jessica*)

Jessica: come on come on in the car

(*we both ran an jumped into the car*)

Jessica: what happen girl!

Me: (*holds head*) I-I don't know we had a party I had laid out early but I think! Grrrrh I don't know

Jessica: see I told you them girls will mess with your head an look your almost late to your last training before the big show!!!

Me: Jessica I know what you said Friday we went out then they had a party I was perfectly find .... Wait The drinks!!!

Jessica: the drinks? Omg Kaesha you had alcohol!!!!

Me: nooo someone had put something in my cup!! Wait but the last person gave me a drink was Cameron!

Jessica: Cameron?

Me: he couldn't have!

Jessica: ok look clam down!! You need to get focus! You have a show coming up really soon! Don't let this happen again! This is really important!! Get it together (*she gripped the wheel tighter*) 0,0 you better pray we make it on time

Me: (*i put my head back*) lord!!

~ soon we arrive to the modeling training we had made it jus in time! Thanks to Jessica :)

Me: thank you Jessica!

Jessica: well you know I'm your agent I gotta keep you up to date!

- we walk into the building..........

Worker: alright ladies! Today you all have worked very hard! This is your last training before your big show! No remember to hold your head high shoulders at stance an walk slow paste depends on the outfit you have! (* claps hands 👏👏*) alright 2 lines lets walk!!!

~ all the girls gathered In 2 lines! We had to see which line had beat out the other one, I stood thinking about what had happen last night!

Me: {my mind: cam couldn't had put somethin in my drink we jus made up an idk it could had been the girls! I'm mean Erica is my chick she wouldn't do nothin like that? An Brit an izze are to dumb to think of doing that unless idk}

Worker: walk walk walk walk!!!

Me: oh (*i lifted my chin an did my walk I posed at the end*)🚶🚶🙆🙅💁

Worker: wonder full!!! 👏👏👍


- times had caught up an the lesson was over Jessica had picked me up an we drove back to the apartments!

Jessica: all I'm saying is be careful these girls will try anything to take your spot love! Please I'm warning you again! Don't do anything that can mess up what you have going for your self!

Me: alright I won't Jessie Im sorry

Jessica: it's alright! Now your show it on Tuesday! So that means!!

Me: be in the bed tomorrow!

Jessica: yes no parties no club nothin jus rest rest rest!

Me: ok I understand

Jessica: good now Tuesday I'm going to need to pick you up extra early! We have to get you fitted for the show! Explain how everything's gonna run! Get things set up! It's a Long process! Now the creator of this fashion show is a big deal! The run way may be unexpected!

Me: ok

Jessica: so jus keep you head up high an try not to fall sweetie!

Me: lol alright

Jessica: and most importantly jus have fun!

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