Chapter 28 ~ T For Truth

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Chapter 28 ~ T is for Truth

~ Jacob had came in to the room where I was sleeping on the couch! He opened a very cold water bottle an threw water all over me! I woke up

Me: What the heck what are you doing!!

Jacob: get up

Me: what's your problem

Jacob: no what the heck it your problem! Why did you call brandy a whore

Me: s because she is

Jacob: shes not no whore

Me : ohh so you sticking up for her now

Jacob: yea she is my girl

Me: oh she yo girl now huh!

Jacob: yea!

Me: so what am I Jacob your side chick?!!

Jacob: ohh you though lol girl you got your head twisted

Me: naw N* you got yo head twisted I anit no whore or no freaking side chick!

Jacob: yea that's what you was

Me: awww naww buddy you got life F- Ed up if you think that's what it is! Cuz this anit that jake

Jacob: naw you do! An dont call me that

Me: awww you jus a little baster

Jacob: what you mean baby my daddy in the other room

Me: ok you know what! I'm not even fen to go threw this (*i got up*) go with yo little girl or what ever she is to you!

Jacob: naw naw hold up (*hands me a phone*) I want you to apologize to her

Me: awww naw now you jus going crazy I'm not fen to apology to some chick who jus came in here thinking she run ish!

Jacob: Kaesha stop making this harder than this has to be

Me : me! Me! Umm umm! What has she done for you!

Jacob: more than you have

Me: oh really! Really! That's a lie Jacob

Jacob: at least she giving me something you anit!

Me: oh I'm sorry Jacob why don't you turn around so I kiss yo A*. I did so much for your selfish but an this is the crap you giving me

Jacob: (*looks away*)

Me: you know what it's allllll!! Good you an yo whore have fun boo! Take it an run with it (* I started running if place*) (*i tossed the phone back in his face*) call me an let me know how it go (*i walked away*)

Jacquees: hey what's up Kaesha your up (* I walked right pass him*)

Me: I can't believe he did that to me (*i ran into cece*)

Cece: aye girl come here!! Come look at this

Me: what? (*she grabbed my hand an pulled me behind a curtain*)

Jacob: (*pulled back the curtain an saw brandy kissing a guy*) brandy what you doing!

Brandy: what it look like I'm kissing a guy!

Cece: (*holds her hand up like a mic*) she loving the crew she loving the crew she loving the crew!

Me: umm

Jacob: you cheatin on me

Brandy: ohhhh lol naw naw you thought we was going out! Boy that was jus a few night thing you know

Me: dang Cece! You hear dat she said they wasnt even going out!!!! (*mr karbs high voice when him an misses pearl was dating an he was yelling at spongebob lol*)

Cece: umm umm ummm! Shame

Jacob: now you playing games

Brandy: Jacob like i saiiii "D" we dont go out nevea did so you stop playing games

Me: DING DING DING an we have a winner Cece tell him what he won! (*holds fake mic to her*)

Cece: you won a whore :D (*hold hands out to. Brandy*)

(*jacob walked of anger*)

Me: lol

Cece: that is jacked up thou

Me: I tried to tell him

Cece: you should go talk to him

Me: noo!! Not what he did to me!

Cece: I know but your the closes thing he needs right now

Me: cece I love you, your my friend but no (*i walked out an saw Jacquees again*)

J: hey I'm so sorry I didn't know Jacob did that to you

Me: it's ok (*looks down a clothes*) I'm a little wet but I'll be ok

Jacqueses: don't take what Jacob did to you to heart! He really is a great guy he's jus going thew alot of things an doesn't really now what's real or fake in his eyes! Actually he's been more happier since you came

Me: yea well it would be nice if he showed that he cared more 😒

J: you should really go talk to him

Me: uhhh Grrr!!! Why

J: you an I both know he needs you right now

Me: -___- uhhh fine (*i got up an went to go fine jacob*)

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