Chapter 20 ~ I'm Not Ready For That

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Chapter 20 ~ I'm not ready for that

~ it's was after dance practice

[ Phone convo]

Maria: what you got his number!!

Me: lol yes i did

Jordan: omg you are so lucky!!

Me: lol

Maria: ooo that boy is so fine!

Jordan: come on now

Maria: it's true! Aye Kaesha you think you can give me his number!

Me: what!

Maria: Come on he will never know!

Me: lol no

Maria: aww man

Me: lol well I have a big day tomorrow so I'll talk to you girls later

Both: ok bye

Me: bye


~ I got up an walked into the living room joining the girls

Brittany: there's my video girl!

Diamond: so you ready for the big day!

Me: yea I guess!

Erica: dont guess know! Girl your gonna do great!

Me: (*takes a grape*) you think?

Isabella: girl we know!

Me: well (*i get up*) I should be hitting the hay! (*i walked into the bathroom when I herd a sudden knocking sound*) lord!! Please don't be letting this happen to me again! Why why! Life is so beautiful at all hours


Me: ok (*i went to the window with Brittany's bat an opened the window*) Cameron!

Cameron: hey! (*climbs in the window*)

Me: what are you doing here!

Cameron: I jus came to see you

Me: {my mind: great like i haven't herd that before} why didn't you jus come to the front door

Cameron: (*walks to me an grabs me*) because I jus wanted to make thinks more private (*he leaned on a kissed me 💏 *)

Me: (*i smiled an pulled away*) thanks but I should be really gettin to sleep

Cameron: oh it's ok we can take this to the bed (* he started walking forward An I was going backwards*)

Me: lol (*he kissed me again, I put my hands around his neck an he squeezed me, he moved his hands to my waist, I laughed but then I broke the kiss*) ummm (*i sat up*) Cameron

Cameron: ohh I'm sorry I wasn't trynna

Me: it's ok, umm I have a big day tomorrow so

Cameron: oh ok (*he stood up*)

Me: yea (*i walked him back to the window he gave me a quick kiss then jumped out*)

Cameron: night :)

Me: might (*i closed an locked the window, I climbed up into my bunk closed my eyes, an went to sleep*)

<3 Video Girl <3 ~jacob latimore storyWhere stories live. Discover now