Chapter 22 ~ Nice To Meet You

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---> picture of jacob latimore for people who dont know wo he is ---->

Chapter 22 ~ nice to meet you

- i was officially a video an model girl! I had been in 3 other runway shows! 1 other music video an i had also booked me a commercial! Life was going ever so well! Jessica had set me up for another dance practice! The people gave us The wrong time so the people were having a concert!

Jessica: ok Kaesha imma be over there (*points to the left*) I gotta go straighten out some business

Me: ok

Jessica: so look around an have fun!

Me: (*jessica had left an I was by myself I was looking around, I had peeked my head from behind a 

Curtain, the stars were doing sound check right now some guy was out there*)

Voice: what are you doing?

Me: (*i jumped*) oh you scared me

Person: lol hi I'm Caria But jus call me cece

Me: hey I'm Kaesha!

Cece: Kaesha?

Me: say it with me Key

Cece: key

Me: a

Cece: a


Cece: SHA

Me: Kaesha

Cece: ohh ok you know what imma jus call you kk! Kk?

Me: lol kk!

Cece: umm so I see you looking at him

(*the guy begin singing*)

Guy: you come first (*looked at me an winked*)

Me: ooo who is that

Cece: oh that's Jacob! Girls go cray cray over him! Trust me If I wasn't dating Steven I would want that two

Me: oooo break me off a piece of what he having ;) :p

Cece: ooo girl don't tell me you falling for him (*puts hand on my forehead*) omg

Me: wha?

Cece: (*backs away*) you've you've

Me: Cece what's wrong!!! (*faints in to my arms*)

Cece: you have jake syndrome

Me: Girll (*i pushed we off of me*)

Cece: lol he cool so (*we was to busy talking that we didn't see him come up behind us*)

Jacob: hey

Cece: (*we both jump*) boy you scared me

Me: hi

Jacob: my name is Jacob

Me: Kaesha

Cece: but I call her kk

Jacob: (*person calls Jacob*) oh I'm sorry I gotta go

Me: bye :)

Cece: come on let's go (*we walk ink this chill room, there were boys playing around with cameras one of the guys goes up to cece*)

Guy: say hi to The camera cece

Cece: boy get that out my face!

Guy: (*come up to me*) omg this is the girl from Jawan harris video

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