Chapter 1- Noticed

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  (Marinette P.O.V.)

              It had already felt like a long summer.  I had already spent most of my summer break studying with Master Fu, then taking a short trip to China to visit my mom's homeland.  I'm finally heading home for some much needed down-time.

              I couldn't wait to see Alya and the others.  It felt like an eternity since I last saw them (though it'd only been a little over two months).  However, I feel like in that time, a lot has happened to me...physically.

             While I was away, I noticed certain things about me had, shall we say, blossomed that weren't as pronounced before.  My hair is longer.  My hips seem a little wider, with a trim waist, tight stomach and appropriately plump bottom.  And the most noticeable aspect: my bust.  I suddenly sprouted from like, a B-Cup to a DD practically overnight.  How does that happen??

             Whatever the case, I looked different.  But hopefully in a good way.  In a way that won't get me a lot of unwanted attention...unless it's attention from Adrien.

            ADRIEN.  Still the most handsome boy in school.  Rich. Talented.  Also a famous fashion model.  (Not to mention, I want to someday become a world-renown fashion designer and have him wear my designs!)  A perfectly perfect specimen of our race.  And he's totally, completely, and forever the romantic object of my affections.  But that's just the skin-deep skinny about him.  I've witnessed first hand his selflessness, kindness, bravery, caring heart; his ability to be sweet and funny; all of it.  He's truly a remarkable guy.

            While my mind was completely full of everything Adrien, I couldn't help but pause mid-thought, to stare at my now much bigger cleavage.

            "I wonder if he'll notice...I wonder if he'll say anything!  Oh my gosh!!  What should I do if he does?  Do I play it cool and say, "thanks".  Or be kinda ditzy and say, "Oh really, they are?  I never noticed."  Or maybe I should be slightly flirty, giggle and say, "like what you see?""

            My jaw dropped at the horrific momentary second of my boldness.  Shaking my head vigorously, making my long blue-black hair smack me repeatedly in the face; hoping it would snap me back to reality and common sense.

            "No, no, no.  There's no way! I could never be brave enough to say that!  My blood would freeze solid and I'd eat it like a popsicle before I could pull that off."  Sigh.  "How I wish I could be flirty with him though...."

             With that thought, I picked right back up where I left off on my daydream of him.  When Tikki sneaked out of my purse, catching a glance of me in my numbered seat, I was already a hopeless mess.  Complete with eyes glazed over, drooling down the side of my face with a lop-sided grin and mumbling unintelligible gibberish to the air; she sighed with resignation.

             "Marinette!  What are you doing?  Your dirty mind is sky high in the clouds while we're literally sky high in the clouds.  Have you seen yourself in the mirror lately?  I'm not too sure Adrien would be very impressed with this sloppy side of you."  She handed me a tissue to wipe off my drool.

             Turning beet red with embarrassment at being caught red-handed in what was practically a lady wet-dream, I sheepishly wiped myself off quickly, then kept it tightly clamped in my palm for (probable) future use.

             "I don't know about that, Tikki.  I think if Adrien truly came to love me, he'd love every side of me.  "Sloppy" quirks and all!"  I said, giving her a silly smile.

             "I couldn't agree with you more.  Adrien would have to be blind if he didn't see what an amazing person you are!  I couldn't be more proud to be this Ladybug's Kwami."  Tikki replied back, with total admiration for me in her eyes.

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