Chapter 14--"Final Boss Scene?"

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Warning: some smut ahead!

(Marinette POV)

          We had a hunch where the enemy would be.  It seemed likely that they'd return to where this whole mess started: the studio.  But, before that, we needed to draw them out.  So, we set the stage for a little song and dance for them.

           Cat Noir, disguised as Adrien, was running around in the chaos near the studio.  We were hoping one of their little spies might spot him and report it back.  It seemed to have worked.  Rina and I saw Volpina and Pheromone emerge and dart off in Cat Noir's direction.

           "Time for the next phase.  Stay put."  I told Rina, dashing off to meet my kitty.  The start to this play was about to begin.

            I watched until Cat Noir was in full view and saw the enemy in the shadows; probably waiting for their chance to snatch him up.  "Here we go."  I said, slinging myself down with my yo-yo to drop beside "Adrien". 

          "Adrien!  What are you doing out here?  It's not safe to be outside right now.  Not to mention, we don't know where Pheromone is and she might take this opportunity to take you captive again!  Please, let me take you somewhere safe."  I pleaded, playing my part.

           I have to admit, Cat Noir's performance even had ME fooled.  He sold it flawlessly.  The anguish he showed on his face and his body language could've fooled the Pope.  Staggering towards me, one hand gripping his shirt tightly in his fist, he made his way over to me.

          "Lady...bug.  Help...what's wrong...with me?"   He chocked out.

          "What?  What do you mean?  Is everything okay?"  I asked, showing concern.

          His movements surprised me.  I thought he'd just collapse into my arms, but instead, he pounced on me.  Knocking me down, he jumped on top of me, pinning my arms over me head.  Genuine bewilderment crossed my face at his sudden actions.

           "Adrien!  What are you do--"  He cut me off.

           "I'm sorry, Ladybug...I can't...control myself.  I...need...more."

            Without warning, he attacked me.  Throwing himself down on my body, his lips barraged mine with intense, hurtful kisses; to the point that he was biting down so hard that my lip started bleeding.  I tasted salt and iron on my tongue as he repeatedly forced my mouth open, his tongue intruding relentlessly.

             His next action truly startled me.  His other hand ran down my body; feeling, exploring.  It caressed and squeezed my breasts against my suit.  Then it slid down lower and his fingers roamed over my clitoris.  Perplexed, I let escape a yelp.  Even through my suit, the sensation was overpowering.

            "Hey, wait. No, don't!  Not there..."  I breathed out in alarm.

            With a cruel smile, he bent his head low and bit down on one of my nipples pressing through the rubbery fabric.  I screamed.

             If this is truly an act, it's a damn good one!  He didn't need to play his role THIS seriously!!  I thought.

             "Wow, Ladybug.  That's quite a lewd face you're making right now.  How indecent." His lust-driven face sneered, a wicked smile spreading across his lips.

            What happened next, even if it had been part of the plan, came instinctually.  Angrily, I managed to get a leg in, thrusting it up and outwards, the motion threw him off-kilter, making him lose his balance and fall backwards.  Letting go of my hands to try and break his fall, I used that second to send one of my hands flying in his direction, catching his face with a sharp, ear-splitting SLAP!  

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