Chapter 9-Luka's Confession

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(Marinette POV)

           So, I discovered something about Luka.  He is a great kisser.  Wait, not great, AMAZING!  I'm not saying Adrien wasn't a good kisser, but surprisingly, Luka seemed to be on a whole different level!

            It was like he knew exactly how I wanted to be kissed, even if I didn't know it myself.  He started by gently pecking at my lips.  Thinking he'd keep that up, I wasn't expecting him to suddenly change it up.  He slowly licked my lips, back and forth. Then, taking one of my lips between his teeth, he sensually sucked on it.  When he heard me take in a quick breath, he released my lip, slipping his tongue into my mouth.  There, he gently entwined and sucked on my tongue; pulling on it in a rhythmic motion.  A perfectly delicious "French" kiss.

           Next, his warm lips, cool breath, and his teeth passionately attacked my neck, chin, earlobe; working his way slowly down to my collarbone.  Reaching it, he licked a line, and softly blew on it, sending pleasant cold shivers down my spine.   Once in awhile, I'd feel his fingers trace seductively along the lines of my body.

           My brain could barely function.  Rationality was having a hell of a time trying to intervene.  I lazily tried to sort them.

           Oh my gosh!  I had no freaking clue how good a kisser Luka is!  It's like, I never want to stop.  If I had to compare, I'd say he's on par with, or maybe even better than...Adrien.  Adrien!  That's right!  No matter how good this feels, I don't have time for this right now.  I really need to talk to Master Fu and see if he has any leads.

            Golly though, if Adrien kissed me like this...I think I might die a happy woman.  But, this is so unfair to Luka.  I can tell he really cares about me.  His feelings are all in his actions.  The way he tenderly holds me against him.  His hand lovingly caressing my skin.  The palm of his hand lightly cupping my cheek.  The way his lips brush against mine, like a baby's breath.  Yes, these are his feelings towards me.  Those of affection, adoration, possibly

            Wait, wait, jump back, Marinette!  You're getting ahead of yourself, thinking like this!  There's no way Luka could me, is there?  I mean, we don't know each other all that well, so how could...?

           I think Luka felt the flow changing as I was wrestling with my emotions.  He stopped, pulling away to stare at me.  It felt like his eyes were trying to probe me again; unlock things about myself I didn't want to reveal.  It made me want to squirm, but I resisted the urge.

         Finally, he spoke.  "I can tell from your expression that you're trying to psycho-analyze this.  You really don't need to think about it that hard.  I probably crossed a line with you just now but I couldn't stand the hurt face that you were trying to mask any longer.

         I wanted to wipe it away, even if it was just for a moment.  And, I wanted to show you that you really do have options.  I'm not just all talk and no action.  I really do care about you, I hope you know that.  

        I think it really started around when you asked me to the ice-skating rink, remember that?  I'm pretty sure it was just so you didn't feel like a third wheel, but I was happy you asked me all the same.  Skating with you was the most fun I've had in a long time;  I didn't want it to end as soon as it did, but I've always considered your feelings on things.  So I've never rushed anything when it comes to you.

        So I apologize for this right now.  You know, kissing you without your permission.  I just thought I should put my feelings out there and let you decide what to do with them.  I won't be mad whatever you choose to do.  But I hope whatever the outcome, we can still be friends."

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