Chapter 2--The Day After

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 [Be advised: slight smut in this chapter!]

 (Marinette POV)         

               I could see light through my eyelids.  Groggily opening them, I stared up at a very familiar ceiling.  Looking around, my eyes finally processed that I was back in my room.  My nose then detected a scent I wasn't used to, along with an unfamiliar weight of cloth.  I suddenly realized that I had slept in Adrien's jacket!!

              Oh wow!!!  I wore this all night?  Then, would it be safe to say, it was like he was hugging me all this time?  OH SWOON!!  But enough about that, how did I get here?  Last thing I remember, I was with Adrien, talking in his car...I guess I fell asleep on the way here.  Oh, how uncool!!  Please, God!  Say I didn't snore, or drool or say something lame in my sleep!  This is positively the worst.... I monologued, while clutching my face with my hands and rolling all over my bed. 

              "But maybe nothing happened, and there's nothing to worry about.  I'm sure Papa just came out to the car, got me, and put me to bed.  No big deal..."  I'd been trying to reassure myself, until Tikki opened her big mouth.

              "I wish that had been the case, Marinette.  But I'm afraid it was a little more eventful than that!"  She squint-giggled.

              "What?!  What do you mean by that, Tikki??"  I yelped.

             "Well, I'd been watching for you on the balcony, waiting for your return, when I finally saw Adrien's car pull up.  His driver had opened his door, and I saw you sound asleep, with your head in Adrien's lap!  Then, he'd leaned over you and lightly kissed your forehead!!  After that, he carried you princess-style up to your house.  Your father was prepared to carry you upstairs, but Adrien insisted, since he was already carrying you, that he would do it.  He brought you all the way up to your room and put you to bed!  

                Removing your flip-flops, he then had pulled your blanket over you.  But he didn't leave right away.  He noticed your board and kind of giggled, but then he just kept staring at your sleeping face.  And at one point, you had sleep-whispered something out loud, causing him to blush, smile, then he smoothed out your hair before he left.  It was all very exciting!"  She finished explaining in a huff.

              I'm pretty sure I was on the verge of passing out.  I felt all the blood draining from my face, making me feel really dizzy.  Reaching out, I grabbed hold of either side of my bed; steadying me.  Flopping backwards in bed, I let my soft pillows envelope me, comforting me with their warmth and fluffiness.  

             Did he really do all those things?!  Why??  I don't mean anything to him... at least, I don't think I do....I shouldn't mean anything at all!  So why?  Last time I checked, he barely knows I'm alive!  What changed?  What's different now that would make him do that than before?  But if he DID do all that...WHY THE HECK WAS I ASLEEP?!?  I missed an opportunity of a lifetime!!  And I said something in my sleep???  What in the world did I say?!?  Oh well, guess I'll just have to accept it...wait, since he did that in my sleep, I can't ask him about it next time I see him, can I?!  Argh!!  God, why do You hate me right now?!  

             After my internal battle with myself was over, I reluctantly crawled out of bed, down the loft ladder and over to my wardrobe.  School is back in session tomorrow, and I really can't decide if I'm looking forward to it.

            It's our Senior Year of high school.  One more year and then we'd all be off on your own and out in the world.  One more year to hang with my friends like's a rather depressing prospect.  But, that's life, I'm afraid.  It's gonna keep on moving whether I'm ready for it or not.  With that in mind, I decided to keep my chin up and broke out a determined smile.

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