Chapter 15--Pillow Talk Secrets

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Warning: Smut ahead!

(Marinette POV)

           Okay.  Not gonna lie, but I'm freaking out!  And not just a little, I mean A LOT!!  I've been running around in endless circles in my room, but I just can't calm down.  The thought that everything is going to be exposed and laid bare tonight has my heart racing erratically.  

           Tikki has been silently standing by, watching me unravel at the seams and falling apart by the minute; wondering if she should say something.  But every time she opened her mouth, I'd unconsciously either start blathering nonsense or some weird grunt or growl emerged; hence, rendering poor Tikki speechless.

           But she didn't need to say anything.  My internal conflict was more than enough to keep me company.  I don't know what to do, I don't know what I should do!!  Tonight, I'm supposed to tell Cat Noir--Adrien--my true identity!  I told him I would, but that was in the heat of the moment!

            Am I really about to do this?  Am I ready?  I don't feel ready!  What is he gonna say?  Will he be disappointed that it's me?  I'm so scared right now!!

           Just then, I spied Cat Noir jumping rooftops, headed in my direction.

            Okay...emotionally and mentally ready or not, here we go!   As if on cue, Cat Noir jumped down onto my balcony.  Straightening up, his expression was slightly pensive; greeting me with an anxious smile.

            "Of all the places we'd have our fateful encounter, you picked here...any particular reason why?"  He asked with keenly probing eyes.

             I felt my eyes spinning, like they would in an anime.  Holy crap!  I don't wanna head out the gates running!  Let's ease into this!

             "I like it here...the family that runs this little bakery are very kind.  Not to mention, it's Marinette's house.  Didn't you say you're in love with her?  I just thought this would be a good place.  But if you don't like it, we can always go somewhere else..."

             "No, no!  It's fine, I was just surprised.  I like it here too."

              We suddenly fell into a painfully awkward silence.  Each agonizing over what we should say or do next.  This hurts!!

             How do I handle this?   Why am I so terrified?  I know it's Adrien under that mask, and I know how my usual self would talk to him, maybe that's the problem....My true self is a spastic, incoherent mess when I'm around him.  I don't want to ruin this life-altering moment with a bunch of idiotic stammering.  What do I do?!

            "I can feel you thinking from here."  He said, breaking the proverbial ice.

            Looking him in the eyes, I felt so many emotions crossing my face.  I think he could read me like a book, like he usually does, because his answering smile was both patient and kind.

           "I can tell you're really stressing about this; I don't want you to.  Just take your time and be yourself.  When you're ready to talk, we'll talk.  It's not like we're going anywhere.  Here, I'll try and make this a little easier for you.  Plagg, claws in."  Now as himself, Adrien sat down in one of my lawn chairs.  It felt so weird having him just nonchalantly reveal himself like that; like it was perfectly natural and NOT something that should've been a big secret.  Why can't I do that too?

            Seeing his face though, I suddenly remembered the earlier events of the battle; sparking my curiosity.  Wanting to know the answer to my question gnawed at my insides. I felt compelled to ask.

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