Chapter 9

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Lances POV
I look at my reflection in the mirror of the bathroom and see endless bruises and cuts, and around my neck the bruise forms the shape of a hand.

'How long have I been here? days, weeks, maybe it's only been hours and I'm going crazy, I can't tell.' I think as I wash the taste of vomit out of my mouth. 'It doesn't matter anyway because this is now where I belong.'

Every morning I've been throwing up, a clear indication that I am pregnant. I mean I didn't need morning sickness to tell me that I was going to end up pregnant, but it just confirmed it.

Currently I mean my alpha is out on some royal business, so that leaves me all the time in the world to either pace the walls of the bedroom or bathroom. My alpha says that I don't have the right to call people by their names, and he is right an omega is the lowest of all creatures, it does not have the right for something like that.

I make my way back into the dimly lit black and purple room and sit on the bed. I still don't have a nest and alpha won't let me build one, he says it's a disgusting mess that will destroy his room. He's right.

As I sit there I let my mind wonder back to Voltron. 'Did they even need me there to begin with?' ' they haven't even been looking for me', 'did I mean anything to them?'

I bring my knees to my chest and let a tear slide down my face. 'Of course I didn't.'

"Ha, their probably glad I was taken"


I sit there for a little longer hugging my slim frame, that's getting smaller with each moment, when I hear the door opens. Lotor walks into the room but he is not alone, Haggar walks alongside him.

"Hello slut~" I slightly flinch at the name.

"I have something a little different for you today~" as he says that I look a Haggar and I see her hands flickering with electricity, my face pails.

"No....No! No no no no please!!! No pl-AAAHHHHH!!!!! I scream in agony clutching my abdomen as electricity surges through my body.

'No no no, the baby, their going to kill my baby'

"Noo!!! ARGH!! please!!! Stop!!! I cry out tears streaming down my face

'The baby, the baby, MY BABY!!!' My omega screams at me.

"Pl..please!!!!!! AAHHH!!! The baby...please!!! Please..."

"Witch stop!!" Lotor says and Haggar stops her magic immediately.

Lotor slowly makes his way over to me, his gaze locked on my stomach, I subconsciously clutch it tighter in hopes of stopping him from doing anything. How futile.

When he reaches me, he rips my hands away and replaces them with his own. He looks me straight in the eyes and into my soul, and says...

"At least your not completely useless~"

Wait...What? Omega!?Where stories live. Discover now