Chapter 18

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Lance's POV
The room was dark and cold, I couldn't see anything. 'Where the hell am I?' I start to walk forward in hopes that maybe I will find something or someone. 'I don't understand, what's going on?' Even though I can't see anything I feel as though I am going in the right direction. It feels empty and hollow like it is missing something, like I am missing something.

Out of nowhere a blinding light appears in front of me, I immediately shut my eyes in an attempt to retain my eyesight. When I think that it is safe to open my eyes without causing any damage I do so. As my eyes adjust, I see a bed and two figures, one on top of the other. It's me.

Oh no...It's a memory of that night....

Lotor had one hand around my neck and the other trailing all over my body. 'I had no idea this is how pathetic and weak I looked, no wonder he took me so easily.'

I see him flip me over, rip off his clothes, bite down on my nape and sealing my fate. 'I can't watch. No no no, I have to get away, far away.' I try to move but my feet are stuck in place.

'No!! NOO!!!....I don't want to watch this!!!...... PLEASE!!' My body won't move, nothing will move, I'm stuck staring at myself being taken by this strong alpha.

', more. I..I can't take it.' My mind cries out as I relive the horrors I faced that day.

The memory fades away after what felt like hours and my body collapses to the ground as gravity was too strong for my fear to fight against.

Everything is silent and empty once again, my mind is racing and replaying what I just witnessed, over and over on loop with no end. However a soft and alluring voice breaks through my torment.

"I love you~" "Because I love you~"
What is this? Where is this voice coming from? Who is it, I feel as though I know.

"All of this; everything, every hit and punch is because I love you~"
Alpha? He loves me? All of this is because he loves me?

"Yes~ The pain and torture that you feel is all because I love you~"
My pain is his love? Torture is not a sign hate and evil?

"Now you understand, abuse is not abuse~ It is love~"

Love. Alpha loves me!! He leaves signs that he loves me all over my body. Love!! Abuse is not abuse, it is love!!

Alpha loves me!!!

End Dream

I shoot out of the bed in panic, my frail figure is shaking so violently that it hurts and I am drenched in sweat.

I look over and back to the bed, thank goodness that alpha is still asleep, I don't know what I would have done if I had woken him up.
I then move my gaze over to the little bundle of purple beside my pillow, today must be my lucky day because I hadn't woken him up either. 'Wait...him?.....OH SHOOT!! I still haven't named my pup.' 'God I'm so useless, I knew I wasn't cut out for being a parent.'

Now to the naming. What to name him, what to name him? 'Mika?...Carlo?....C..C..Cas..Cas....I'VE GOT IT!!


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