Chapter 22

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— Castle of Lions — Time Skip —

Third POV
It had been 2 months since Keith had declared to himself that he would look for Lance in secret. 2 months and he had done it, Keith had found Lances location. To him that was easy.

Now to the hard part, telling the rest of Voltron. He could run in there screaming that he found Lance, but how would they react? For one, they gave up on Lance and moved on, and two, Shiro seemed really pissed any time Keith would even hint at the subject. So how does he tell them?


Keith's POV
I calmly walks into the kitchen where the team was currently sitting eating breakfast, I sits down in my seat and places a small device on the table. This small device catches the attention of the other members and starts off a conversation.

"What's that Keith?" Pidge asks pointing and eying off the object.

"It's a device"

"Well no shit Sherlock, I mean what exactly is it" she says with a 'I'm so done already' look on her face.

"This little device will lead us straight to Lance" I state casually as to not create an uproar, but it didn't exactly work.

"WHHAAAT!!!" Pidge shreaks into my ear, catching the attention of anyone who wasn't currently listening.

"Well...., whilst you all gave up on Lance I have been tirelessly working for 2 months, trying everything I can to find him, and now I have."

"Keith we've spoken about this, it's now been almost a year since Lance was taken, you can't possibly have his location." Shiro says with a gentle but dad like tone.

"But the thing is, I have found Lance, and I want us to go get him back."

"How do we know it's not a trap or a false indication?" Allura comments

"I have to admit I don't know, it could be anything, but I am certain that it is Lance. He's our friend and teammate, he needs us and let's face it, we need him." I can feel my voice choke up as I am talking.

"I agree with Keith, if there's even the slightest chance what it's Lance, then I want to take that chance." Hunk piped up from his silence.

"Ok. Well where does this device say Lance is located?" Shiro questions getting straight to the point.

"On a main ship right on the other side of this planet." I say pointing out the window.

"Really, hiding in plain sight, what a clique joke." Pidge scoffed to thin air.

"It's worth a shot, but we need a plan first." Of course Shiro would want a plan. Personally, I don't see what's wrong with barging in and taking Lance back by force. That sounds so much simpler.

We all walk out of the kitchen and head for the control room where we will make a plan to get our alpha back.

Sorry if it feels as though I am rushing the story, I'm just trying to move it along a little bit.

So happy to have the original story back.

Have a great day or night 😊

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