Chapter 23

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This is an image from my Voltron Amino account, it was one of the first Voltron artworks I ever did. - The account is Sketch It Art

Trigger Warning ⚠️
Description of rape and public 'intimacy' so please read with care.

Lance's POV
Just like every month, just like every other omega, I'm once again in heat. It feels like forever since I last had one, I suppose that it is because my body wanted to give me a few months to look after my pup before I went into another heat. Funny how the body works isn't it.

Alpha said that this time it would be a little different but I don't really have anything to compare it to because I can't seem to remember what happened last time. Any time I try to remember I hear that voice.


I shakily walk behind alpha as he takes us through the hallways of the ship to some unknown destination. Each step is getting harder for me, it feels as though my body is melting.

I whimper at the strain I am placing on my body, I want to go back to alphas room, I want to cuddle in his strong presence, but no. He wants to do something different and I want him to show me love, so naturally, I follow.
When I say follow, I really mean being led by a chain, but it's ok because he loves me, why else would he do this?

We make it to two humongous black metal doors, but instead of going through them he takes me to what I assume to be a back door. We head inside and continue to walk down a small space to a set of stairs. 'I don't understand what's going on.' 'I want my pup.' 'I want release.' My head is now becoming fuzzy and numb.

Once up the stairs he pulls me forward and ties the chain to something on the ground. I hear a lot of voices and murmurs, they are getting quieter.

"A..alpha, w..w..what's going....on?" I pant out lightly pulling at the chain around my neck, but don't have enough energy to do much else.

"You'll see soon my slut~" he respond with a big smirk tugging at his lips.

He grabs a rope and yanks it hard and fast, the wall in front of me seemingly disappeared and I was faced with something that made all the colour drain from my face.

(A/N) Just to reiterate, I'm not comfortable writing smut because I know I will stuff it up, so I will heavily suggest. 😊

Millions of people, millions of eyes and each one sets its gaze on me. My heart hits the bottom of my chest and I panic! I tug and pull at the chain with all of my strength, my hand clasp it hard, my knuckles are turning white as I try to break it free from the ground. 'God I must look pathetic.'

Laughter begins to erupt from the mass of people, it's haunting and echoing through my mind, mocking me, in so afraid!! Tears are cascading down my face in a watery mess. 'LEAVE!!!' 'I WANT TO LEAVE!!!' 'LET ME GO!!!!'........ 'ALPHA!!!!!'

Just as I internally scream, alpha walks up beside me and starts speaking but I can't hear any of it because of the blood rushing through my ears. But I am certain he was telling them what was going to happen.

He moves behind me and begins to rub all over my body, covering ever inch, I would be lying if I said that it didn't feel really amazing. He moved one of his hands over to my sensitive pointed ear and it sent a shockwave of pleasure through my body. 'God I'm so revolting'

I crack my eyes open a little to see many many of the Galra intently staring, I look to where their hand are...and know.

I feel alpha rip my minimalist clothing off my heated body leaving me completely exposed. I lost whatever dignity I thought I had left in that moment.

But that was only the beginning....

Hey 👋

I tried to make this chapter a little longer and I did. Yay!
Sorry I didn't update yesterday, I lost all motivation for anything, I just sat on my bed wanting to yeah....

Have a great day or night 😊

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