The Meeting

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(Your pov)

I'm (y/n), and I'm a orphan who is 4 and let's just say isn't the best treated orphan ever.......but today a few of the other orphans invited me to go with them to the park with them. "Come on (y/n)!" Jessica said. " I'm coming! " I said runing, but then was stoped by me being tripped by a foot. I fell in a big mud puddle getting my brand new pink sparkled dress and my hair, and my face. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Both Jessica and Mariah laughed. " what a loser! So you really think we would actually want to hang out with YOU! " Mariah said with a evil smile spread across her face. "Yeah your a loser and a nobody!" "Yeah, no wonder you haven't gotten adopted yet!" They said laughing and running off to go play on the swing set. I sniffed and got up and ran past the playground and all the kids while tears filled my eyes. As I was running a had bumped into a large tall figure. "S-sorry sir" I said stuttering looking up to see a muscular man who looked to be drunk, he had stains all over his white shirt and had blond hair. "Come*hick* here kid" the man said trying to grab me, but I doged him and ran in the opposite direction. "Come here you little brat!!" He half yelled chasing after me. He soon caught up to me grabbing my arm. " LET GO! " I said crying and trying to escape the scary mans grasp. "HEY!" I heard another make voice yell, " LEAVE the kid alone!! " he said I look over to see a man in a red and white stripped jacket, with a pink mustache, and pink hair who looked pretty tall at least 5'10. "And What *hick* are you going *hick* to do about it" the man who had my arm in a death like grip said. The man with the cool jacket calmly walked over to the man who had my arm and punched him square in the face knocking him out cold. "You ok kid" he asked looking at my arm making sure it was ok. "Yeah" I sniffled out. "What happens here?" He asked pointing at my mud covered dress, face, and hair. " oh just s-some mean g-girls" I managed to stutter out. "Here let's go get you cleaned up ok" he said motioning for me to follow him. "O-ok" I said.

(Hope you guys enjoyed this first chapter and this is my first book so.......

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