The Car Ride

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Recap: "what about my brothers....."

(Wilfords pov)

What about my brothers.....I'm sure they won't mind. Right? I mean, I only adopted a child this time.......... It's better than kidnapping her. Well I should tell her, shouldn't I.......well here goes nothing.

(Your pov)

" Um, (y/n) there are some people at my house, um my brothers....... " he said a little nervous. "Ok cool!"" well (y/n), there are a lot, ok we're so I start, oh yes we have dark, he is a little scary and we'll dark, but once you get to know him he gets kinder nd nicer. There is host, he has a blind fold over his eyes because, he can't see nd you can meet him when your a little older but not now. And there is the jim brothers, they are twins and they will go around and ask a lot of questions and record you because there news reporter's. And then there's Bim trimmer, he goes on tv long story short, there's king of Squirrels, and he's...... well he's the king of Squirrels. Ed edger, he's southern and trying to sell his son. There's also Google, he's a robot or Google irl, be careful with him he can be, dangerous but kind after a while. And Dr.iplier he's a doctor, not the best but, a doctor. Last but not least, Silver shepherd, he's a super hero you could say. And that's everyone! " I tried to get it all in my head and remember it all, I mean it was a lot to take in......but "Um, ok!" I said cheerfully " they sound exciting! "" well you could at that...... Also we have a long drive so you can play with your toys ok. " "I'm Wilford......" I said a little embarrassed . "What is it (y/n)?" He said with a concerned tone. " I don't really have any toys..... " I said looking at the floor. "Well why don't we fix that!" He gave me a smile and pulled off the high way in to a small store. I have him a confused look. He un buckled his seat belt and got out as I did the same. I followed him into the store as he lead me to a small toy isle. " you can pick out 3 toys and stay in this isle I have to quickly get some stuff ok? " i have him a big smile, "ok!" He walked out of the isle and I looked at the variety of toys. I saw a penguin stuffy and grabbed it. Ok now I saw a Barbie with a very pretty pink and blue dress so I grabbed that as well. I have on more choice. .....let's see....... Then I saw horse perfect size for my Barbie it was a pretty brown horse with a few streaks of blonde in its brown hair. Just as I had picked it up Wilford can back with a bag. "Ready to go?" " Yup! " Wilford paid for my toy and opened them in the car for me as we left. He pulled something out of the bag he had and have it to me. It was a Snickers bar! I gasped and took it. "Thank you wilford!" He gave me a big smile and I returned it. " your welcome! " I ate the Snickers bar and played with my toys for While I then started to feel a little tired so I snuggled my new penguin and toys and slowly fell asleep.

(Wilford pov)

She is so cute! I just hope my brothers like her, idc! She's mine! My daughter! And if they don't like to bad! The way her face lights up when I get her something or when she is excited. Her laugh and giggle is so cute it's to die for. She is just to adorable to not like! I can't imagine they wouldn't like her he is just so...........Prefect! She's like an angle! A little angle! That I need to protect and care for, she is like a little fragile piece of priceless glace that I need to protect! And I will even if my life depends on it. Because she my daughter! My angle! My kid! She's my

Little Drop Of Hope..........

(This has got to be one of the cutest chapters in going to make and I hope you enjoyed it! Buh-bye!!)

A Little Drop Of Hope (Wilford x child!reader)Where stories live. Discover now