Ch.- 18 WHAT?!

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I was racing down the road, I remembered Master telling me I had to be back before five p.m. It was nearly six, I panicked and began to speed up. I couldn't miss going with Frank.

When I pulled up to the castle... It was gone! I stepped out of the car and started screaming "Frank?...... Frank?!...... FRANK?? Master?!" No answer, I fell on my knees and began to cry. I couldn't believe I missed Frank.

I heard a car noise behind me but I didn't move. Who ever was in the car turned off the engine and also stepped out. Closed the door and was walking over to me?

I turned around quickly and saw Columbia in a state of shock. A tear ran down her face and I got up and hugged her.

"How did you miss him??" She asked.

"I just pulled up actually. I missed him all together".

We hugged for awhile without a word. I was upset Frank saved me from my shitty life before and changed me into a better person.

"Why are you two crying?" Asked a voice behind us.

"None of your fucking god damn business!" I yell.

Columbia just kept crying.

"Umm Emma, I think you should turn around".


"Just do it".

"Fine but I don't-" my eyes popped out of my head. It was Frank!

I let go of Columbia and ran to him. I jumped on top of him and started to kiss him. I couldn't believe he was here. Columbia turned around and also ran to Frank.

"Frank?! What?! We thought you left!!" She laughed in a high pitch voice as always.

"Well while Columbia left to go some where and you, Emma, left too. I got a phone call from my mother saying she had enough of this and that I was coming home this minute. I grabbed what I could and ran out if the building. Riff Raff and Magenta were still in there but they didn't know what was happening".

I was crying tears of joy. This was great.

"What about meeting your parents?"

"Ah... I have a way to get their. I couldn't leave you two here!"

We smiled and gave a group hug.

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