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walking outside at three in the morning is never ideal. ever. of course, he was aware of that, but he just needed a little bit of fresh air to clear his mind off things. plus, it's not like their neighbourhood is riddled with killers, there's hardly anything of the sort as far as he knows.
they say 3am is the bewitching hour, the hour where evil comes out to play. however he didn't believe in it of course, after all, it's just something people say to scare children or feed whatever religious belief they had. how ridiculous, he thought.
he kept walking and walking, too distracted by his thoughts, failing to realize he's already gone too deep within the forest. he sighed, running a hand through his hair. he looked around, trying to find at least some sort of way out despite the moon being the only source of light there is.
he was about to turn his heel to walk into another direction when he saw a black figure. he squinted his eyes and saw that it was a person.
"hello?" he calls out.
the figure kept on getting closer and as the boy finally got a clearer view of the stranger, he noticed he was wearing a mask.
once the unknown stranger became even closer, he saw that the bunny mask the man was wearing had smears of blood on different parts of the face, some were dried up and turned a brownish colour while some were still a fresh, bright red. there were holes where the eyes are, but even then you couldn't see them because of how dark it is.
however the most noticeable thing he had, aside from his mask was a shiny, silver knife.
"what's someone like you doing in a forest at a time like this? hm?" that voice sounds so familiar, yet he couldn't quite put a finger to it.
the boy swallowed hard, fixing his posture, "i c-could ask you the s-same q-question." he stutters out. he knew he had to appear somewhat tough because being afraid would only egg this unknown stranger to frighten him even more even though he's already scared out of his wits.
"a smartass huh?" the man scoffs, "listen, i'll give you to the count of three you pretty little thing, either you start running now or i kill you." his eyes widened, surely he can't be serious, right?
"i'm giving you a head start, so i'd go right now if i were you, angel."
without hesitating, he turned to his heel and started running, as fast as his tired legs could carry him. the man smirked in his mask, a twinkle of amusement in his eyes as he watched the boy running away. he looked at his knife before looking in the direction of the boy and started running after him, "you better hurry up, my pretty! i'm going to catch you!" he yells, letting out a sinister laugh that sent a shiver down the boy's spine making him run even faster.
his legs were ready to give up, but he sure as hell wasn't. he felt as if he'd been running in what seems to be a never ending forest. all he could hear at this point are his desperate pants for air and the crunching of the leaves and twigs under him with each step he took.
stopping to catch for air would be a bad idea, he knew that, however he couldn't keep running as much as he'd like to. he felt like he was going to past out at any moment. he found an enormous tree and hid behind it. he bent down, his hands on his knees as he desperately tried to catch his breath and steady his breathing as fast as he can before he finds him.
but maybe he shouldn't have stopped running at all.
"found you." a dark voice said behind him, making him shiver in fear.
he turned to look at the masked man, holding his knife, his head slightly tilted to the side.
"i gotta admit, you run fast," his voice was laced with nothing but pure darkness as he took a step forward, towering over the boy, "but i run faster."
"d-don't k-kill me... p-please..." he says, voice trembling. the masked man laughed dryly, bringing his knife up to the boy's smooth cheek, "no promises, angel. although it would be such a shame to see a delicious body such as yours go to waste, don't you think so?"
he pursed his lips, shaking his head as tears were already threatening to spill from his eyes.
the masked man wrapped his other hand around the boy's waist bringing him even closer to him, their chests pressed together. "you're very pretty, but also a dumbass."
he was about to say something when he felt a sharp jab to his side. he slowly brought his hand up to where the masked man had stabbed him, placing his hand on top of his. he looked up at the man and then to where he was stabbed, tears falling down his cheeks.
"NO!" he yelled out. he blinked his eyes, confused.
where were the trees?
the forest?
the masked man?
he looked around and once he made himself familiar with his surroundings, he realized he was never in a forest, he's always just been in his room.
the pink-haired boy sighed loudly, looking up at the ceiling. his breathing was heavy and beads of sweat formed on his forehead. he heard his bedroom door slam open and he jumped at the sudden sound.
"jimin-ah! everything okay?" he looked at his friend, "yes, jin-hyung. just had a bad dream." he says, smiling a little.
the older made his way over to jimin's bed, sitting on the edge. "wanna talk about it?" he asks. the younger just shook his head and jin took this as a sign to leave. "alright well, i'll go get you a glass of water before you go back to sleep." jin grunted as he stood up, walking out of jimin's bedroom.
even after a glass of water, it still didn't help soothe jimin's racing mind. the nightmare felt real, almost too real, and that man, that masked man's voice sounded very familiar too, he just didn't know if he's heard it before. it was dark and sinister, yet it flowed like smooth honey.