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jeongguk and jimin spent a few minutes in his room coming up with a plan on how he's going to apologize to seokjin. see, seokjin doesn't ever hold grudges, however he barely knows the guy, he feels off about him, and on top of that, he broke his favourite plate that he got from italy.

it's not entirely a big deal, he can always just get a new one, but still.

"okay so you'll go to his room, ease up to him, and then i come in when you tell me to. that's it right?" jimin nods with pursed lips.

the pink-haired boy walked out of his bedroom and made his way to seokjin's. knocking a few times, the door reveals a very angry blonde.

"what." he spats out.

jimin felt small under his intense gaze and he looked down at his toes. he slowly reached out his hand to hold seokjin's. "h-hyung... don't be mad, at least not at me, please?"

seokjin's face softened at the sight of jimin. he accepted jimin's hold and took the boy's soft hand into his. "hyung's not mad at you jiminie, come in my room for a second, i need to talk to you."

they both entered seokjin's room and jimin sat on the bed while the blonde remained standing up. he crossed his arms over his chest and pursed his lips, not sure how to start.

"listen, chim, i don't know how i feel about jeongguk i- stay with me on this, but i just have an eerie feeling about him, like something isn't right, you know?"

the younger slowly looked up at seokjin and tilted his head to the side a little, his brows furrowed.

"what do you mean?"

"like something's just slightly off about him. i don't know, that could just be me but he just seems... strange."

jimin hummed in response and thought about seokjin's statement himself. he supposed he does see that jeongguk seems quite odd sometimes, but he barely knows him. he can't just judge him like that.

"i understand hyung, well he still wants to apologize to you, can i let him in?"

seokjin pondered for a bit before shaking his head.

"no, i'll go to your room."

the moment they opened the door, jeongguk was standing outside, a bored expression on his face, but once he saw the pair, he immediately brightened up.

"how long have you been outside?" seokjin asks, raising a brow at the boy.

the brunette shrugs, "not too long."

seokjin doesn't believe him. he thinks that jeongguk has been standing out there for longer than "not too long" and he assumes he heard everything he said about the latter.

"listen hyung, i'm sorry i broke your favourite plate, hopefully we can be friends."

jimin's eyes look over to seokjin, gleaming hopefully accompanied by an encouraging smile as if telling him indirectly to accept jeongguk's apology.

"it's no problem, it was just a plate anyways."

if there was one thing seokjin hated doing the most was faking a smile, but in this situation it was all he knew he had to do.

they both shook hands and gave each other a slight hug, jimin on the side cheering quietly.

"well, i should probably head home. i still have homework and stuff to do. sorry again hyung." jeongguk scratched the back of his head and chuckled dryly.

"don't worry about it, take care." was all seokjin said before giving him another fake smile and disappearing back into his room.

the pink-haired boy walked jeongguk out the door. "thanks for coming over, i appreciate it." he tells the brunette, eyes disappearing into thin lines as he smiled.

"of course jimin, so will i be seeing you at school tomorrow?"

"yeah, unless jin-hyung has other plans." jimin says, laughing softly.

they talk a little more before jeongguk left and jimin saw him off, waving at him. jeongguk wanted to go back and still snuggle the shit out of him because he was just so cute with that extremely baggy sweater and nothing but boxers putting his silky, smooth thighs on full display for jeongguk's eyes to feast on.

what jeongguk didn't understand however was the kind of relationship jimin and jin had. sure he knows they live together and are probably really close friends, but is that all there is to it? because if there was something more then he's just gonna have to dispose of jin just like he does with everyone else who gets in his way.

he's going to wait it out a little more just to see. but one thing's for sure however, he heard everything seokjin said about him and that might make his job harder since seokjin might not want him near jimin as much as he wants to be.

jeongguk might just have to kill seokjin.


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