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the two basically watched nothing but movies the whole day, ranging from horror to comedy. they tried watching a rom-com film, but it was just too cliché and too annoying for the both of them, they barely made it halfway.

jin would casually check up on them and even brought them snacks.

however, jin felt something off with jeongguk. not that he was ever gonna tell jimin that since he didn't want to offend the younger. maybe it was just a first impression kinda thing and his perception of him might change once he got to know him better.

he thinks it might also just be his protective side taking over. him and jimin have been best friends ever since they were born. both of their parents are really good friends and even wanted the both of them to date at some point, however they just didn't see each other in that way, but with that being said, he does love jimin with all his heart and he's so fond of the younger boy. jin would do anything to protect his beloved little brother, he might as well call him that since they've basically been tied at the hip for a very long time.

jin was sitting on the couch as he remembered a memory the both of them swore to never talk about, but sometimes can't help since it was both embarrassing and extremely awkward, but quite nice.

the both of them just got back from school and walked back to jimin's house to help him study with his algebra test that was in a week and plus jin can also do his homework in biology while he's at it. the last year of high school is always the toughest since there's too many paperwork and too many exams that are coming up. jin knew that jimin relentlessly studies day and night to hopefully get a scholarship in university and make his parents proud.

jin also studies a tremendous amount because he didn't want to be the kid of a CEO who knew little. he didn't want them to look at him and tell him he's not fit enough to run the company after his father.

so here they are, sprawled across the floor in jimin's bedroom with heaps of algebra quizzes, biology notes, and a bowl of strawberries dipped in chocolate.

"hyung, do you get this?" jimin asks, showing the older an equation he's been working on for well over 10 minutes. jin took the notes from jimin and scanned over it, trying to figure out the problem himself.

he moved closer to jimin and showed the younger what he's doing wrong and why he wasn't getting the right answer.

"ah, i get it now. thanks hyung." he meets the older's eyes and they just stared at each other, jimin looking down at jin's lips and back at his eyes.

they both slowly started leaning in, too caught up in the moment, and before they knew it, both of their lips connected, sharing a sweet kiss between the two best friends.

jimin slowly pulled away, realizing what they just did, his eyes widening. "oh my god i-" he immediately sat up straight, awkwardly coughing. "okay i didn't think i was THAT bad." jin jokes, earning a playful smack from the younger.

they both laughed it off, still quite shocked from what happened.

"let's never speak of this again, deal?"


jin chuckles at the memory. they were each other's first kiss. but his reminiscing was short-lived when he heard jimin's door opening. he saw the two boys making their way into the kitchen, carrying the empty plates that were previously filled with snacks.

"i can do the dishes, it's alright." he heard jeongguk say. okay, maybe he shouldn't have judged too quickly. if someone offered to do the dishes, jin is automatically fond of the person. not because they do chores, but because he knows they're responsible and good at cleaning up mess.

he sat on the couch for a while, just relaxing when he heard glass shattering and jimin's scream. he immediately ran into the kitchen to find out that his precious plate that he got from italy is now in ruins and the look of guilt on jeongguk's face says it all.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" he screamed. "jin-hyung d-don't yell, i-it w-was just a p-plate." jimin stutters out, making his way to the older slowly. "what do you mean just a plate?! that was from italy! oh my god, my baby."

the brunette stifled a laugh as he looked at the overdramatic blonde in front of him, picking up the pieces of the broken plate. jin looked up, shooting daggers in jeongguk's direction.

"you're so fucking dead to me, jeongguk." was all jin said before standing up and walking off to his bedroom, slamming the door shut.

jimin looked at jeongguk in disbelief, "jin-hyung probably hates you big time."

the brunette just chuckled lightly. jimin felt a slight annoyance with the latter's attitude causing him to roll his eyes, walking away from jeongguk with a scoff.

"what's the big deal? it was just a plate anyways." jeongguk says, throwing his arms in the air and expected jimin to look back at him, however the boy just continued walking back to his room.

he followed shortly after finishing the dishes since he didn't want to make the both of them any angrier.

he knocks at jimin's door a few times, not getting an answer.

"jimin? can i come in please?"


the brunette was taken aback by jimin's response. jeongguk suddenly felt a rush of anger through him and he pushed open jimin's door not caring for his denied request. one thing to know about jeongguk: he never takes no for an answer; no matter how big or small it may be.

jimin jumped from the sudden opening of his door, immediately hiding in his blanket. "what are you doing? i said no! you can't come in!" the brunette didn't say anything, instead he kept walking toward jimin with a look on his face that the latter can't read.

he sat down on jimin's bed, his gaze once again softening at the sight of the slightly frightened boy, "come out jimin." he reached out to him, jimin slowly putting down the blanket covering his face.

he crawled over to jeongguk, sitting in front of him. "i-i'm sorry jeongguk. i overreacted." the brunette just smiled at the boy, reaching over, his hand gently caressing jimin's face, the latter leaning in slightly to his touch, "don't be baby, i'm the one who should be sorry. i broke your hyung's favourite plate. i should be the one apologizing," he lets out a little laugh, "especially to him."

jimin felt electricity at the slightest of jeongguk's touch. they only met yesterday and right now it feels like they've known each other for a long time. there was a strange familiarity to the said boy's touch and to jimin, it felt nothing but warm and comforting.

all was well until jimin suddenly clutched his head as he felt a sharp pain shot through him.

perhaps he might remember.

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