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1:32 pm
the two became easily acquainted and before they knew it, they were walking back to jimin's place.
both of them only had two classes for university and jimin was thankful for that because at least he gets to go home early and eat jin's home-cooked meals.
don't get him wrong, he loves studying and he loves his professors who he sees almost everyday (aside from the occasional substitutes), but you can only tolerate such a place for so long.
"so, you've been here since..." "since first year of university. been here for almost 3 years now." the pink-haired boy finished jeongguk's question before he even got the chance to ask, giving him a small smile as they continued walking.
jimin didn't walk everyday, he would usually get driven by his hyung, but today he couldn't because he had to rush to work since his dad called him in.
jeongguk breathe in the fresh autumn breeze and exhaled. "i love the fall, don't you?" he asks, looking up at the trees they would pass by. jimin hummed as a response and also looked at the deciduous trees whose leaves have already turned orange and some that already fell to the ground.
one of the many things the pink-haired boy loves about fall is when you step on the leaves and they make a satisfying crunch. so, he did just that.
he stepped on every fallen leaf on the ground, each of them creating a satisfying crunch everytime.
jeongguk chuckled and kept up with the skipping boy. he has to admit, it was very cute. but the way his ass jiggled in those tight jeans was... it made his mind wander to several places.
the skipping boy eventually grew tired of stepping on so many leaves, he slowly stopped and looked back at jeongguk who was already behind him. the taller boy towered over him as they stood close to each other.
it was nothing but pure silence between the two as they both just stared into each other's eyes.
jimin awkwardly coughed to break the tension and turned on his heel to keep walking. "my house," he says, pointing to it, "is just over there."
jeongguk knew that where they were going leads to a place he's always known and grown to love, but he didn't know that jimin lived so close to it.
the pair walked beside each other in silence as they reached jimin's shared house.
"so, i'll see you tomorrow?" jimin asks, not making eye-contact as he dug through his bag to find his keys. "of course." jeongguk says, his eyes never leaving the boy.
jimin eventually found the small jagged-edge metal he's been searching for in his bag and inserted it in the keyhole, twisting it to unlock the door.
"it was nice meeting you, jeongguk. see you tomorrow." he turned around to face the latter with a slight smile.
"i'll see you tomorrow, jimin." the brunette says, reciprocating the small smile from the pink-haired boy.
as jimin closed the door, jeongguk let out a sigh and ran his hand through his soft, brown hair. he started to make his way back to his own house which was a few blocks away from jimin's, kicking a few stray rocks that he'd come across along the way.
something about jimin just made his heart skip a beat the first time he saw him, but he couldn't be quite sure if he's really seen him before because it feels like he has.
throughout the day, all jeongguk could do was stare at the jimin's plump, pink lips whenever he talked and the way his eyes went into a thin line everytime he laughed at what he said. he's gonna have to ask jimin sometime if he can still see whenever he laughs, because he's sure he can't.
as jeongguk made his way home, there was one and only one particular boy that kept circling his mind and didn't let him fall asleep that night.