2| Shot in the face

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I can't believe Tora got Milo Tasharo, the biggest playboy in school, to ask her out on a date. 

When Sam Yamaha left, I gave Tora a disappointing look.

"How did the biggest playboy in the school ask out Tora?" I ask Goten when we got to my house.

"Think about it. She's hot, a great personality, a tail, long black  hair, and she's innocent. The whole package. Anyone would give anything to go out with her," Goten replied.

"Well I understand that. But I told almost everyone not to ask her out."

"Key words: almost everyone."

"I hate you sometimes, loser."

"At least I'm not a jealous loser."

"And at least I have my tail." We looked up to see Tora typing rapidly on her new phone.

"I see you got the hang of getting the phone to do your bidding," I said jokingly.

"Yes. It took forever, but whatever," she said bored.

"Oh my Kami. You've been hanging are Samiko Yamaha too much."

"I have to hang around regular earthling teenagers to blend in. The only thing that makes me different is my tail. I hate it sometimes."

"Why? I think it's cool. I'm still bummed that mine was blasted off when I was a baby."

"If someone grabs a Sayian's tail and squeezes it, they'll start purring out of pleasure. It's one of our flaws."

"So what you're saying is that if I grabbed your tail and squeeze it hard enough, you'll start purring out of pleasure?"

"That is what I just said."

"Cool," I said with a smirk on my face.

"Tora! Trunks! Come to the family room!" Mom said through the intercom in my room.

I pressed the button. "What about Goten? He's practically family."

"You can bring him."

We all walked down 3 flights of stairs to get to the family room.

When we got to the room, Dad and Mom was sitting on the sofa. With bags beside it.

"Mom, what's going on?" I asked.

"Vegeta and I decided to go on a vacation," Mom said before Dad grunted. "Well, I decided."

"So what about us?" Tora asked.

"You two are going to stay here. Tora, if you have a friend they can come over. Trunks, only Goten can come over. Goku will be coming here once a week until we come back."

"How long will you be gone?"

"More than a month."

I get to be alone with Tora for more than a month? Hell, yeah!

This will be the best months for me.


I have to stay here alone with Trunks for more than a month? Oh, Vegeta, no.

"So we're alone for more than a month. I got some good things planned," Trunks said.

"Say that again, I'mma shoot you in the face," I murmured.

"Looks like you got your hands on Ride Along 2."

"Yup. I did."

"Did you get your hands on something else? Something I might like, kitten?"

"Say that again, I'mma shoot you in the face too."


I readied a Ki blast to scare him.

"Ok, ok, ok! I'll leave you alone... For now."

I threw the blast right past his head.

"Let's go, Goten. Before she kills me."

Trunks grabbed Goten's arm and ran to his room.

I took out my phone to text Milo.

Me: Hey, Milo

Milo: Hey, Tora. Wyd?

"Trunks! What does 'Wyd' mean?"

"It means 'What you doing'."

Me: Nothing really.

Milo: What are you doing tonight?

Me: Nothing. Just hanging around Trunks and Goten if someone doesn't come and save me.

Milo: How about I come and save you?

Me: That would be great! See you later.

Milo: Bye, T.

After I got done texting Milo, I called Sam to help me get ready.

"Okay. So, right now you're looking for something cute to wear. First get rid of that Sayian armor. I do not want to look at the girl version of Trunks' dad," she said walking to my closet.

"I don't have a lot of clothes and this is all I really wear," I said.

Sam started throwing my clothing to a pile. "No. Definitely not. Not worth it. Too much. Not enough. Too dressy. Ah ha! Found it."

She pulled out a white crop top with the words Beauty is from within written in black and a black skirt that stopped mid-thigh and some black shoes that had heels in them. I put them on.

She told me to sit down. She walked to her purse and pulled out multiple powders covered by a glass.

She says it's make-up. She put some of it on my eye lids and got a red stick and put that on my lips.

I put them on and walked to the full body mirror on my door.

"I look more attractive than usual," I whispered.

"I keep forgetting you're not from Earth. You're cuter than usual," Sam said.

"Tora. Milo is here for you. he said something a-Shit." Trunks was obviously speechless.

"So Trunks, how does she look?" Fasha asked.

"She looks sexy," he said.

I shot a Ki blast in his face. Just enough to hurt him.

He squealed like a 5 year old girl.

"Just because I haven't lived on Earth for awhile doesn't mean I don't know what some words mean!" I yelled.

I stepped over him and walked to the first floor and found Milo with his hands in his pockets of his back jeans.

"Milo?" I asked.

He looked up quickly and sucked in his breath.

"Wow, Tora. You're... I mean that's... Wow." Obviously Milo was completely speechless.

"I'll get you back, kitten." I looked around and saw Trunks in the shadows leaning against the wall.

"See you later, kitten."


Okay. Obviously I can't write a book. I made countless of them.

Seriously, I can't count all the books I wrote. Too many to count.

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