11| Getting Along

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I started at him with wide eyes.

"Dude, I'm-"

"It's okay, Trunks. You were jealous. To be honest so was I. I actually forgot that the women in Tora's family gets to have two mates," Yuko said.

Everything around me got scorching hot.

"Are you hot too?" I asked him.

"Yeah. It means we're in heat," he answered, breathing heavily.

"What does it mean?"

"We're craving for our mate. When we're in heat, our mate isn't, so Tora doesn't know."

"How about we do something for her tonight? Just us three," I suggested.

"What are you planning?" He questioned.



Dammit. Trunks and Yuko both figured out how to put up the fucking thought walls.

I shrugged my shoulders and walked to the Gravity Chamber. I put the setting on x250 so I could train.

I want to become a Super Sayian 4. Not even Goku has ascended to this level, yet. Before I left home, there was a rumor about a prophecy of a Super Sayian 4.

Onyx eyes, black hair
Will soon turn into something different
You're here, you're there
Just know your magnificent
Everything will change because of things you care
Love, hopes, and dreams
Will always be there

No one knows what it meant. Not even the Wisest of All.

There are still Sayians trying to figure it out and who might be the Super Sayian 4. So far everyone has narrowed it down to three people: Goku, Vegeta, and me.

Goku: Strongest Sayian in history. Onyx eyes, black hair. Has many people he cares about.

Vegeta: Sayian Prince. Strong willed and willing to sacrifice everything just to save the ones he loves. Onyx eyes.

Me: Onyx eyes, black hair. Almost as strong as Goku. Still has a tail. Just as strong willed as Vegeta. Will sacrifice everything to keep the ones I love safe.

Training will help take everything off my mind. Let's tear this place up.


I came out of the Gravity Chamber with cuts and bruises along with a ripped up Sayian armor suit.

I was greeted by my two favorite Sayians.

"Hey, Goku and Vegeta. I didn't know you guys were out here," I greeted them.

"Some intense training there, Tora. What's up?" Goku asked.

"It's nothing. I promise."

"Hmph," Vegeta grunted.

I gave him my goofy smile and made a funny face.

"Now I see the resemblance."

I giggled and ran in the house I called home for months. Just imagine, in 4 more months, it would be a whole year I've been on Earth.

I'm so happy. I just found out that the man who was a father figure to me is actually related to me, Vegeta accepted me as his son's mate, and my first love is reunited with me and my brother is here with me.

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